Sony XR-C113 Features, Precautions, General, Tuner section, Optional CD changers can be used

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Detachable-front panel enables you to take the front panel away with you when you leave your car (page 4).

Caution alarm is activated if you turn off the ignition key without removing the front panel from the unit.

Built-in power amplifier (max. output: 20 W × 4 ch) enables you to enjoy a 4-speaker system.

Digital 24-hour clock provided (page 5).

Tuner section

Up to 24 stations can be preset: 12 stations on FM and 6 stations each MW and LW.

Automatic Memory function stores a total of 24 stations in memory quickly and easily (page 7).

Optional CD changers can be used.

Up to two Sony CD changers (not supplied) can be connected and controlled with the unit by using the Sony source selector (not supplied).


Before operating the unit for the first time or after replacing the car battery, press the reset button with a ball-point pen etc., and then start operating the unit.

Reset button

If your car is parked in direct sunlight resulting in a considerable rise in temperature inside the car, allow the unit to cool off before operating it.

If no power is being supplied to the unit, check the connections first. If everything is in order, check the fuse.

If no sound comes from the speakers of a

2-speaker system, set the fader control to the center position.

If your car is equipped with a power antenna, note that it is automatically extended while the unit is operating.

If you have any questions or problems concerning your unit that are not covered in this manual, please consult your nearest Sony dealer.

Actual total number

Sony XR-C113 (E,Pl,Bg,Hu,R) 3-856-405-41(1)

Image 2
Contents Sony XR-C113 E,Pl,Bg,Hu,R 856-405-411By Sony Corporation General FeaturesPrecautions Tuner sectionTable of Contents Detaching the Front Panel Attaching the Front PanelSetting the Clock Ejecting the CassetteAutomatic Tuning Fast-winding the TapeMemorizing Only Desired Stations Tuning in by AdjustingFrequency Manual Tuning Automatic Memory FunctionPlaying a CD Adjusting the Sound CharacteristicsEnjoying Bass and Treble at Low Volume Locating the Desired PartCleaning the Connectors MaintenanceFuse Replacement Selecting CD ChangersDismounting the Unit Button Locations Cassette player section SpecificationsPower amplifier section Tape playback Troubleshooting GuideError displays with the operational CD changers connected Radio receptionOgÛlne CechyUwagi dotycz±ce bezpieczeÒstwa Wybieranie stacji nadawczejObchodzenie siÍ z kasetami Uwagi dotycz±ce kasetSpis Tre ci Uwagi na temat g owic magnetofonu kasetowegoZdejmowanie przedniego panela Alarm ostgrzegawczyZdejmowanie Zak adanie przedniego panela Zak adanie panelaUstawianie zegara Wyjmowanie kasety Obs uga odtwarzacza kasetowegoUchanie ta my Szybkie przewijanie ta myStrojenie przez regulacjÍ czÍstotliwo ci OdbÛr programu radiowegoAutomatyczne wyszukiwanie stacji Zapisywanie w pamiÍci tylko wybranych stacji nadawczych OdbiÛr stacji zapisanej w pamiÍci odbiornikaInne funkcje CD Obs uga Odtwarzacza dyskÛw kompaktowych CDWybÛr odtwarzcza CD Zmiana dyskÛwKonserwacja Demontaø sprzÍtu Lokalizacja przyciskÛw Odbiornik radiowy Dane techniczneOdtwarzacz kaset Wzmacniacz mocyOdbiÛr programÛw radiowych Usuwanie usterekOdtwarzanie kaset Odtwarzanie dyskÛw kompaktowych CDE01 Å ÍË Á‡ ·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚ ‡·ÂÎÂÊÍË Óúìóòìó „·‚ËÚ ̇ ͇ÒÂÚÓÙÓ̇ ‡·ÂÎÂÊÍË Óúìóòìó ‡Û‰ËÓ-͇ÒÂÚËÚÂ˙‰˙ ʇÌË ‡ÒÂÚËÒÔ Ó‰˙ÎÊËÚÂÎÌÓÒÚÔÓ- „ÓÎflχ ÓÚ 90 ÏëìûúëÈÓÒÚ‡‚flÌ ̇ Ô Â‰ÌÓÚÓ Ú‡·ÎÓ Á‡ ÛÔ ‡‚ÎÂÌË ‚‡ÎflÌÂ Ë ÔÓÒÚ‡‚flÌ ̇ Ô Â‰ÌÓÚÓ Ú‡·ÎÓ Á‡ ÛÔ ‡‚ÎÂÌË‚‡ÎflÌ ̇ Ô Â‰ÌÓÚÓ Ú‡·ÎÓ Á‡ ÛÔ ‡‚ÎÂÌË ‰ÛÔ Â‰ËÚÂÎÂÌ Á‚ÛÍÓ‚ Ò˄̇΂ fl‚‡Ì ̇ ˜‡ÒÓ‚ÌË͇ ‰˙ÎÊÂÌË ̇ ̇È-χÎÍÓ ‰‚ ÒÂÍÛ̉ËÀÁ‚‡Ê‰‡Ì ̇ ͇ÒÂÚ‡Ú‡ ‡·ÓÚ‡ Ò Í‡ÒÂÚÓÙÓ̇ËÎÛ¯‡Ì ̇ Á‡ÔËÒË, ‚˙ÁÔ ÓËÁ‚Âʉ‡ÌË ÓÚ Í‡ÒÂÚ‡ ˙ ÁÓ Ô Â̇‚Ë‚‡Ì ̇ ÎÂÌÚ‡Ú‡‡ÒÚ ÓÈ‚‡Ì ˜ ÂÁ ˜ÂÒÚÓÚ‡Ú‡ ËÂχÌ ̇ ‡‰ËÓÒڇ̈ËË‚ÚÓχÚ˘ÌÓ Ú˙ Òâìâ ̇ ‡‰ËÓÒڇ̈ËË ‚ÚÓχÚ˘ÌÓ Á‡Ô‡ÏÂÚfl‚‡Ì ̇ ‡‰ËÓÒڇ̈ËË·ÛÚÓÌ Á‡ Ô Â‰‚‡ ËÚÂÎ̇ ̇ÒÚ ÓÈ͇ ‰˙ÎÊÂÌË ̇È-χÎÍÓ Ì‡ 2 ÒÂÍÛÌ‰Ë ·ÛÚÓ̇ TUNER/A.MEMËÒ͇Ú ‰‡ Á‡Ô‡ÏÂÚËÚÂ Ò Ìóïâ Ë ‡Ì ‰‚‡ ËÚÂÎ̇ ̇ÒÚ ÓÈ͇˙ÁÔ ÓËÁ‚Âʉ‡ÌÂÓÚ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÍÚ ‰ËÒÍ „Ë ÙÛÌ͈ˡ·ÓÚ‡ÒÛÒÚ ÓÈÒÚ‚Ó Á‡ ÒÏfl̇ ̇ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÍÚ ‰ËÒÍÓ‚Â ÈÓ‰‰˙ ʇÌ ËÏfl̇ ̇ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÍÚ ‰ËÒÍÓ‚ÂÀÁ·Ó ̇ÛÒÚ ÓÈÒÚ‚ÓÁ‡ ÒÏfl̇ ̇ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÍÚ ‰ËÒÍÓ‚Â ‚‡ÎflÌ ̇ ‡Ô‡ ‡Ú‡ ·ÛÚÓÌË ‡ÁÔÓÎÓÊÂÌË ̇ ·ÛÚÓÌËÚÂÅûúóì SEL ËÁ·Ó ̇ Âêëï Á‡ ‰ËÒÍÓ‚ÂÚ‡‰ËÓ‡Ô‡‡Ú ì ä Ç ‡ÒÂÚÓÙÓÌÌÒË΂‡ÚÂÎ ËÇ/Ñlj‚‡ Ëúâîìó ̇ÒÚ ÓÈ‚‡Ì ˙ÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Á‡ Óúòú ‡Ìfl‚‡Ì ̇ Ìâëáô ‡‚ÌÓÒÚËËÂχÌ ̇ ‡‰ËÓÒڇ̈ËË ‚˙ÁÔ ÓËÁ‚Âʉ‡ÌÂÖÍ ‡Ì ˜Ë̇¡ltal·nos jellemzõk Fõbb jellemzõkBiztons·gi elõÌr·sok ·diÛKazett·k kezelÈse TudnivalÛk a kazett·krÛlTartalomjegyzÈk TudnivalÛ a szalagtov·bbÌtÛ fejek tisztÌt·s·rÛlKezelõlap visszahelyezÈse Kezelõlap levÈtele Ès visszahelyezÈseKezelõlap levÈtele Figyelmeztetõ jelzÈsekKazetta lej·tsz·sa MagnÛ haszn·lataAz Ûra be·llÌt·sa Kazetta kivÈteleAutomatikus adÛkeresÈs ·diÛhallgat·sGyorscsÈvÈlÈs Automatikus hangol·sKiv·lasztott adÛk beprogramoz·sa Az adÛk be·llÌt·sa finomhangol·ssalAutomatikus adÛbeprogramoz·s Beprogramozott adÛkEgyÈb funkciÛk CD-v·ltÛk kezelÈseKarbantart·s V · l t · sCD-v·ltÛ kiv·laszt·sa KÈsz¸lÈk kivÈtele Kezelõgombok Õ s Ì t õ ˚szaki adatokMagnÛ ¡ltal·nos m˚szaki JellemzõkKazetta lej·tsz·s HibakeresÈs¡ltal·nos hib·k ·diÛhallgat·sHibakijelzÈsek CD-v·ltÛk csatlakoztat·sa esetÈn Ì Í ˆ Ë Ë Ô‰ÓÒÚÓÓÊÌÓÒÚË„ÓÎӂ͇õ χ„ÌËÚÓÙÓ̇ ËӉ ʇÌË· ‡˘ÂÌËÂ Ò Í‡ÒÒÂÚ‡ÏË ‡ÒÒÂÚ˚ Ò Ô Ó‰ÓÎÊËÚÂθÌÓÒÚ¸˛ Á‚Û˜‡ÌËfl ·ÓΠ90 ÏëìûúËÌflÚË Ô ‰ÌÂÈ Ô‡ÌÂÎË ËÌflÚË ËËÒÓ‰ËÌÂÌË Ô ‰ÌÂÈ Ô‡ÌÂÎË ËÒÓ‰ËÌÂÌËÂÔ ‰ÌÂÈÔ‡ÌÂÎËÌÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ ‚ Âïâìë ̇ ˜‡Ò‡õ ÇÍβ˜ËÚ ‡ÔÔ‡ ‡Ú ̇ʇÚËÂÏ ÍìóôíëÀÁ‚ΘÂÌË ͇ÒÒÂÚ˚ ÈÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌËÂÓÒÎۯ˂‡ÌË χ„ÌËÚÌ˚õ Á‡ÔËÒÂÈ ˚ÒÚ ‡fl Ô ÂÏÓÚ͇ Î Â Ì Ú ˚Ôûúâï „ÛÎË Ó‚ÍË ËÂÏ ‡‰ËÓÔ‰‡˜ËÂχ‰ËÓÔ ‰‡˜ ‚ÚÓχÚ˘ÂÒÍÓ ‡ÔÓÏË̇ÌËÂËÂÏ ‚‚‰ÂÌÌ˚õ ‚ ‡ÏflÚ¸ ‡‰ËÓÒڇ̈ËÈ ˜Ë ÙÛÌ͈ËË‚Ó‰ ‚ Ô‡ÏflÚ¸ ÚÓθÍÓ ÌÛÊÌ˚õ Ç‡Ï Òڇ̈ËÈ ÈÓ‰ÒÚÓÈ͇ ‡ ‡ÏÂÚ Ó‚ Á‚Û˜‡ÌËflÈÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌË ÏÌÓ„ÓÁ‡ fl‰Ì˚Ï ‰ÓÓÊÂÍËÏÂ̇ Ô·‚ÍËõ Ô Â‰Óõ ‡ÌËÚÂÎÂÈ ÌõÓ‰ Á‡ ‡ÔÔ‡ ‡ÚÓÏÑÂÏÓÌÚ‡Ê ‡ÔÔ‡ ‡Ú‡ ˜ËÒÚ͇ ÍÓÌÚ‡ÍÚÓ‚‡ÒÔÓÎÓÊÂÌË Íìóôóí ÌÒËÎËÚÂθ ÏÓ˘ÌÓÒÚË ÍÂõÌ˘ÂÒÍË õ‡ ‡ÍÚ Ëòúëíë‡ÒÒÂÚÌ˚È Ôîâèâ ·˘Ë õ‡ ‡ÍÚ Ëòúëíë ‡‰ËÓÔ Ëâïìëí ì ä ÇÇóòô ÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌË χ„ÌËÚÌ˚õ Á‡ÔËÒÂÈ ÈÓËÒÍ Ë ÛÒÚ ‡ÌÂÌË ÌÂÔÓ·‰ÓÍ· ˘   ËÂχ‰ËÓÔ ‰‡˜‡„‡ÁËÌ Ò ÍÓÏÔ‡ÍÚ-‰ËÒ͇ÏË ÑëòôîâèÓË„ ˚‚‡ÚÂθ Ì ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌ ÍÓÏÔ‡ÍÚ-‰ËÒÍÓ‚ ÌÂ„Ó ÍÓÏÔ‡ÍÚ-‰ËÒÍË