40 | Message (SMS) |
| |
| ||
Compose message
0HQX Î Messages Î SMS Î Write Message Î
The text input using “T9” al- lows you to quickly create long SMS using few key entries (see p. 41). 'HOHWH Hold down to dele- te word by word.
Further functions in the text menu on the right.
2SWLRQV Open the text menu.
Send | Select. |
| or select |
Send via ...
A list of different transmis- sion routes is displayed.
Dial number/select from address book.
6HQG The message is transfer- red to the Service Centre for transmission.
If Service Centre or Validity period are re-
quested, see p. 45.
Message Menu 2SWLRQV
Send Dial the number of the address or select from the address book, then send.
Send via ... List of transmission rou- tes.
Save Save the composed message in the out- going list.
Line feed Enter a line break.
Add Open the address book and copy data high- lighted there into the message.
Print via ... Transmit to a suitable printer.
T9 Input Activate or deactivate intelligent text entry (see also p. 41)
Icon in header, when T9 is active.
T9 Language Select the language in which the message is to be composed (must be available on the Mul- tiMediaCard™).
Insert Picture Select an icon from a list and insert it in the text (can only be dis- played by appropriate receiving devices).
Clear Text The whole text is delet- ed.