LG Electronics manual 90 LG5400

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8.What has the FDA done to measure the Radio Frequency energy coming from wireless phones?

The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) is developing a technical standard for measuring the Radio Frequency energy (RF) exposure from wireless phones and other wireless handsets with the participation and leadership of FDA scientists and engineers. The standard, “Recommended Practice for Determining the Spatial-Peak Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Body Due to Wireless Communications Devices: Experimental Techniques,” sets forth the first consistent test methodology for measuring the rate at which RF is deposited in the heads of wireless phone users. The test method uses a tissue-simulating model of the human head. Standardized SAR test methodology is expected to greatly improve the consistency of measurements made at different laboratories on the same phone. SAR is the measurement of the amount of energy absorbed in tissue, either by the whole body or a small part of the body. It is measured in watts/kg (or milliwatts/g) of matter. This measurement is used to determine whether a wireless phone complies with safety guidelines.

9.What steps can I take to reduce my exposure to Radio Frequency energy from my wireless phone?

If there is a risk from these products — and at this point we do not know that there is — it is probably very small. But if you are concerned about avoiding even potential risks, you can take a few simple steps to minimize your exposure to Radio Frequency energy (RF). Since time is a key factor in how much exposure a person receives, reducing the amount of time spent using a wireless phone will reduce RF exposure. If you must conduct extended conversations by wireless phone every day, you could place more distance between your body and the source of the RF, since the exposure level drops off dramatically with distance. For example, you could use a headset and carry the wireless phone away from your body or use a wireless phone connected to a remote antenna. Again, the scientific data do not demonstrate that wireless phones are harmful. But if you are concerned about the RF exposure from these products, you can use measures like those described above to reduce your RF exposure from wireless phone use.

10. What about children using wireless phones?

The scientific evidence does not show a danger to users of wireless phones, including children and teenagers. If you want to take steps to lower exposure to Radio Frequency energy (RF), the measures described above would apply to children and teenagers using wireless phones. Reducing the time of wireless phone use and increasing the distance between the user and the RF source will reduce RF exposure.

Some groups sponsored by other national governments have advised that children be


discouraged from using wireless phones at all. For example, the government in the United Kingdom distributed leaflets containing such a recommendation in December 2000. They noted that no evidence exists that using a wireless phone causes brain tumors or other ill effects. Their recommendation to limit wireless phone use by children was strictly precautionary; it was not based on scientific evidence that any health hazard exists.

11.What about wireless phone interference with medical equipment? Radio Frequency energy (RF) from wireless phones can interact with some electronic devices. For this reason, the FDA helped develop a detailed test method to measure electromagnetic interference (EMI) of implanted cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators from wireless telephones. This test method is now part of a standard sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Medical instrumentation (AAMI). The final draft, a joint effort by the FDA, medical device manufacturers, and many other groups, was completed in late 2000. This standard will allow manufacturers to ensure that cardiac pacemakers and defibrillators are safe from wireless phone EMI.

The FDA has tested hearing aids for interference from handheld wireless phones and helped develop a voluntary standard sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). This standard specifies test methods and performance requirements for hearing aids and wireless phones so that no interference occurs when a person uses a “compatible” phone and a “compatible” hearing aid at the same time. This standard was approved by the IEEE in 2000.

The FDA continues to monitor the use of wireless phones for possible interactions with other medical devices. Should harmful interference be found to occur, the FDA will conduct testing to assess the interference and work to resolve the problem.

12.Where can I find additional information?

For additional information, please refer to the following resources:

FDA web page on wireless phones (http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/phones/index.html)

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) RF Safety Program (http://www.fcc.gov/oet/rfsafety)

International Commission on Non-lonizing Radiation Protection (http://www.icnirp.de)

World Health Organization (WHO) International EMF Project (http://www.who.int/emf)

National Radiological Protection Board (UK) (http://www.nrpb.org.uk/)

variations in measurements.



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Contents LG5400 ContentsContents Using Phone Menus Safety Important Information Check AccessoriesTechnical Details Designator DescriptionFCC RF Exposure Information Microphone Phone OverviewEarpiece Headset JackCall History Menus OverviewTurning the Phone On and Off BatteryIcon Screen IconsCaller ID Volume Quick AdjustmentMute Function Call WaitingText Input Text Input Examples Using Abc Multi-tap Text InputUsing T9 Mode Text Input Using the Next KeyMobile2 / Pager / Fax / Fax2 / None Basics of Storing Contacts EntriesContacts Entries Changing the Call Ringer Options to Customize Your ContactsAdding or Changing the Group No Group / Family / Friends / Colleagues / Business SchoolAdding Another Phone Number Changing the Secret SettingEditing Contacts Entries Adding Speed DialEditing Stored Names Default NumbersPress Set as Default# Editing Stored Phone NumbersDeleting Adding a Pause to an Existing Number Phone Numbers With PausesStoring a Number With Pauses Press Phone Book Press Add New EntrySearching Options Searching Your Phone’s MemoryScrolling Through Your Contacts Searching by LetterMaking a Call From Your Phone’s Memory Recent Calls Menu Using Phone MenusMenu Access Call History MenuMissed Calls Menu Call Timer MenuOutgoing Calls Menu Incoming Calls MenuSpeed Dials Menu Phone Book MenuFind Name Menu Add New Entry MenuNew Message Alert Messaging MenuGroups Menu Normal / Urgent Press MessagingWeb Msg Send Message MenuOutbox Menu Inbox MenuErase Menu Saved MenuErase, Erase all Edit, Add Recipient, Resend, EraseCalculator Menu Tools MenuWeb Menu EZ Tips MenuNavigating Through the Browser Ending a MiniBrowser SessionInitiating a Phone Call From MiniBrowser Using BookmarksPress Downloads Downloads MenuSounds Menu Settings MenuPress Settings Phone / Web Display MenuSelect Connection / Method / Speed then press Data Setting MenuOff / Vib once / Vib & ring / Custom ring / Beep once Location MenuLock Press Reset DefaultPress Lock Phone UnlockSelect TTY On / TTY Off Off Car-Kit/DrivingSelect Open/Any Key / Talk Only then press Press Planner Schedule Alarm ClockAlarm Clock Menu Planner MenuTIA Safety Information SafetySafetyTips on Efficient Operation SafetySafety Information Charger and Adapter SafetyBattery Information and Care General Warnings and Cautions 86 LG5400 88 LG5400 90 LG5400 Specific Absorption Rate Consumer Information on SARAccessories What this Warranty Covers Warranty InformationIndex IndexIndex Introduction Comment utiliser les menus du téléphone Sécurité Introduction Vérification des accessoiresLe modéle LG5400 est un téléphone bi-bande qui fonctionne Et de 1.9 GHz pour les PCS Personal Communication ServicesRenseignements importants Contact avec le corps pendant l’utilisation Antenne externe installée sur véhiculeEn option, le cas échéant Touche de navigation END fin Back retour Vue d’ensemble du téléphoneÉcouteur Forme clapet Touches latérales Send envoi Prise pour écouteurRéférence des menus du téléphone Appuyez sur jusqu’à ce que l’écran s’éteigne Mise en route du téléphoneUtilisation du bloc de batterie Comment allumer et éteindre le téléphoneComment corriger une erreur de composition Obtenir Votre Téléphone a CommencéIcônes de l’écran Pour mettre fin à lappel, appuyez surAccès rapide aux fonctions pratiques Dentrée de texte suivants Appuyez sur T9Mot Abc 123 SymbolesMode d’entrée Fonctions des touchesUtilisation de la touche Next Comment utiliser le mode dentrée de texte Abc multi-frappeComment utiliser le mode dentrée de texte T9 Exemples dentrée de texteEntrées du répertoire Le répertoire dans la mémoire de votre téléphoneFonctions de base dentrée dans lannuaire Comment ajouter ou changer une mémo Options de personnalisation du répertoireComment ajouter ou changer un groupe Comment changer la sonneriePartir du menu principal Comment ajouter un numéro de Composition abrégéeComment ajouter un numéro de téléphone Entrez le numéro, puis appuyez sur la toucheComment modifier un numéro de téléphone dans une entrée Numéros par défautComment modifier un nom dans une entrée Comment changer le numéro par défautAutres façons de supprimer une entrée de répertoire SuppressionSuppression dune entrée de répertoire Appuyez sur la touche programmable de droite TrouverPause ferme / Pause 2 sec Numéro de téléphone contenant une pauseComment stocker un numéro contenant des pauses Appuyez sur la touche Ajouter une nouvelle entréeFaire une recherche par option Défilement des entrées du répertoireAppuyez sur la touche pour parcourir la liste Faire une recherche par lettrePartir des derniers appels Comment établir un appel à partir dune entrée de répertoireEn utilisant la Composition abrégée Partir des entrées de répertoireAccès et options Comment utiliser les menus du téléphoneAccès au menu Journal des appels MenuAppuyez sur la touche Effacer ou Annuler Garder / Préfixe temporaire / Effacer / Effacer tousGarder / Préfixe temporaire / Effacer Cette option vous permet dajouter un numéro de téléphone Répertoire MenuRecherche/ Effacer Alerte de nouveau message Messageries MenuAppuyez sur la touche Voici les options offertes Normal / Pressant Envoyer Message Envoyer un message Msg WebEffacer Envoyer Message MenuBoîte de départ Menu Msg Web MenuBoîte d’arrivée Menu Effacer, Effacer tous Effacer MenuGardé Menu Expédier OptionsCalculatrice Menu Outils MenuWeb Menu Conseils utiles MenuLes éléments visuels ont lune des formes suivantes Comment entrer du texte, des chiffres et des symbolesComment mettre fin à une session de mini-navigateur Comment naviguer à laide du navigateurDessus de la touche programmable de droite est Call Enfoncée la toucheLes signets Comment établir un appel à partir du mini-navigateurAppuyez sur la touche programmable de gauche Menu Téléchargements MenuSons Menu Réglages MenuAppuyez sur la touche Réglages Sélectionnez un sous-menu Téléphone Affichage MenuItinérance Menu Arrangements de données MenuMessagerie Menu Position MenuAppuyez sur la touche Réinitialiser-valeur défaut Sécurité MenuDécaler TensionArrêt Nécessaire de voiture Mode d’avion MenuConfiguration/Autres Menu Navigation vers le hautProgramme Menu Alarme1 / Alarme 2 / Alarme Alarme rapidaPlanificateur Menu Programme Réveille-matin Bloc-notesBloc-notes Menu SécuritéAppareils électroniques Installations avec avertissementsConseils pour un fonctionnement efficace Conduite automobileAtmosphères potentiellement explosives Sécurité pour ladaptateur et le chargeurNetenezpasletéléphoneoul’antennecontrelecorpspendantunappel Avertissements et précautions dordre généralLes téléphones sans fil posent-ils un danger pour la santé? Informations de la FDASécurité 12. Où puis-je trouver d’autres informations? Taux d’absorption spécifique Renseignements sur le TASAccessoires LG Electronics Canada, Inc Garantie Limitée LGIndex 100 LG5400