7916 Hub Phone 1010 [6] 19/12/06 16:18 Page 69
Hub Phone 1010 – Edition 2– Issue 5 – 19.12.06 – 7916
Software upgrades 69
Rescue mode
If the upgrade was unsuccessful, or if the handset was lifted from the charger during the upgrade for more than 90 seconds, the user can initiate a new upgrade of the handset software from the hub manager.
To use the rescue mode on the Hub Manager:
1.Make sure your handset is in the cradle plugged into the hub.
2. Open the Hub Manager. Click the icon on your desktop or browse to http://bthomehub.home
3.Click TELEPHONES in the menu
4.Click the Rescue button.
5.You won't get any indications on the handset screen while the rescue is taking place but it will return to the idle screen after about five mins and give you an indication of success at the end.
You should call the help desk if the rescue mode was unsuccessful.
Rescue mode is applied when a handset appears dead because the handset was removed while upgrading.