•Timer ( ) : selects the
•Delete All Images ( ) : When this icon is displayed, pressing SNAP once will cause the photos remaining counter to blink (this is a safety
•Delete Last Image ( ) : Pressing SNAP when the “Delete Last” icon is displayed will delete (erase) only the last (most recent) photo you took from the camera’s memory. The counter will go up by one number to indicate the amount of “reclaimed” photo memory, and the camera will return to normal mode, ready to shoot a new photo.
•High/Low Resolution () : When the “three stars” icon is displayed, the camera is set to take high resolution images (640x480 pixels). Pressing SNAP will change the camera setting to low resolution (320x240 pixels), indicated by a “one star” icon in the display. To change back to high resolution, press MODE again until you get to the “one star” icon, then press SNAP (“three stars” will again be displayed). When the resolution is changed, the counter will also change to indicate the amount of
| 11/17/04 9:31:24 AM |