True Fitness 600 manual 700, 725 HRC Control Panel, Control Panel Functions

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Indicates miles ￿

Indicates incline￿ Indicates ￿elasped

traveled in .01 mile ￿ in percent￿

time after ￿pressing

increments up ￿

of grade in .5%￿

start (0-99minutes ￿

to 9.99, and .1 mile￿


and 59 seconds).￿

increments past ￿


Can also be set ￿to

10 miles. Can also ￿


countdown, ￿(See

be set to countdown￿


countdown page ￿

(See countdown on ￿



page 2-5)




1.Instructs during setup.￿

2.Provides ￿updated information on ￿progress during ￿workout



Indicates mph in .￿1 increments


Indicates amount ￿of time required ￿to complete 1 mile ￿at that speed



Indicates ￿estimated

One MET is the ￿

accumulated calories ￿amount of ￿energy


your body uses ￿at

Based on ￿weight,

rest. If a ￿physical

speed, grade ￿and

activity has an ￿


equivalent of six ￿METS,


its energy ￿demands


are six times that of ￿


your resting state

Control Panel Functions




Adjusts the grade at￿


any time during your￿


workout. Sets distance ￿


to countdown, also￿

scroll through programs.



Stops the ￿treadmill

Used to adjust speed￿

at any point in ￿your

in .1 mph increments, enter ￿


weight, and other workout￿


parameters, and to set￿


time to countdown


Access your ￿favorite workouts. Choose from ￿ target HRC workout, ￿ cruise control ￿HRC, interval HRC workouts, ￿ or pre-programs.



Starts the treadbelt in motion. ￿

Used to enter your weight.￿

Also resets distance, time, ￿

Also for viewing dual function￿

and calories when held ￿

windows of speed/pace￿

for 3 seconds

and calories/metabolic rate


Image 6
Contents Series Commercial Treadmill Thank You For Selecting True Treadmill Serial NumberSafety Tips Table Of ContentsAssembly & Belt Adjustment Safety Features Treadbelt Tension & Safety FeaturesControl Panel 700, 725 HRC Control Panel Control Panel FunctionsPanel Functions ProgramsWindows Cruise Control Quick Reference Operating InstructionsBasics Quick StartPre Program Profiles Series P ModelsCardiointeractive & Heart Rate Control Examples of HOW HRC can Work for YOUCardiointeractive & HRC Target Operating Instructions AT Target Approaching TargetBeginning Target HRC Hands Free Cool Down StageCruise Control Operating Instruction Cardiointeractive HRC Interval Operating InstructionsHeart Rate Control Target ADJ Target +WARM-UP Stage Cool Down StageHeart Rate Safety Parameters Heart Rate Control Important PointsAccess Your Favorite Workout with Express Keys on HRC Models Pre-Program Operating Instructions With Express KeysYour Fitness Program Target Heart Rate ChartF.I.T. Formula Determining Your NeedsF.I.T. Formula Care And Maintenance Table Of Contents InspectionDaily Care and Service Wipe DownUnplug Date Withdamp Cloth Weekly Care and Service VisualDate Wipe Down Inspection Week # Monthly Care and Service AcuumQuarterly Care and Service InteriorWeek # Date Vacuum Wiring Diagrams Date Cleaning Visual Inspection QuarterInterior Wiring Diagrams Exploded Diagrams 99 600/700/725/750 Parts List Diagnostics Troubleshooting Flowcharts Troubleshooting Flowcharts E5 SENSOR, E2 Overspeed Troubleshooting Flowcharts Test Procedures Grounded Outlet TestAMP Draw Test Drive Motor Test Speed Sensor TestVoltage to Drive Motor Test Drive Belt Tension TestTreadbelt Tension Test Incline Potentiometer Calibration TestVoltage to Incline Motor Test Performance Chart Individual Performance Chart