¥DistanceÑThis mode shows the total number of repetitions (strides) you have completed, up to 999. The display will then reset to zero and continue counting.
¥Fat calories (FAT CALS)ÑThis mode shows the approximate number of fat calories you have burned. (See BURNING FAT on page 13 for an explanation of fat calories.)
¥Calories (CALS)ÑThis mode shows the approxi- mate number of calories you have burned. (This number includes both fat calories and carbohydrate calories. See BURNING FAT on page 13.)
¥ScanÑThis mode displays the calories, fat calories, reps per minute, time, and distance modes, for five seconds each, in a repeating cycle.
Before the console can be operated, two ÒAAÓ bat- teries must be installed. (See assembly step 7 on page 8 for installation instructions.) Follow the steps below to operate the console.
1Turn on the power
To turn on the power, press the
on/reset button
or simply begin exercising on the
L.E.X.. When the
power is turned on, the entire display will appear for two seconds. The console will then be ready for use. Note: If batteries were just installed, the power will already be on.
Select one of the three pacer programs or the
2manual mode
To select one of
the pacer pro- grams, repeated-
ly press the pro- gram button. The program indicator
will show which program you
have selected. To select the manu-
al mode, press the program button until the pro- gram indicator disappears. The programs will be selected in the following order: program 1 (Interval), program 2 (Aerobic),
program 3 (Fat Burn), manual mode.
3Begin your workout
If you selected |
| |
the manual |
| |
mode, go to step |
| |
4. If you selected |
| |
one of the pacer |
| |
programs, two |
| |
columns of bars |
| |
will appear in the | Target Pace Actual Pace | |
display. The left | ||
| ||
column will show |
one bar, showing that the target pace is 40 strides per minute. The right column will show your actual pace. Adjust your pace until only one bar appears in the right column. As the program progresses, the target pace will change periodically; as the tar- get pace changes, adjust your pace to keep both columns at the same height. Important: The tar- get pace is a goal pace. Your actual pace may be slower than the target pace, especially dur- ing the first few months of your exercise pro- gram. Be sure to exercise at a pace that is comfortable for you.
4Follow your progress with the monitor modes
When the power
is turned on, the scan mode will automatically be selected. One mode indicator will show that the scan mode is
selected, and a flashing mode
indicator will show which mode is currently dis- played. Note: If you select a different mode, you can select the scan mode again by repeatedly pressing the mode button.
If desired, you can select the reps per minute, time, distance, fat calories, or calories mode for
If desired, the display can be reset by pressing the on/reset button.
5Turn off the power
To turn off the power, simply wait for about four minutes. If the pedals are not moved and the console buttons are not pressed for four minutes, the power will turn off automatically.