S3.25 Leg Press Option Assembly Instructions
3.Adjust the Rubber Bumper on the Leg Press Option
If the Top Cap Weight still does not rest on the Top Weight, you can make one final adjustment.
A.If the Cable tension still needs adjusting, push the Pivot Arm up so that you can adjust the Rubber Bumper on the Leg Press Option.
B.Rotate the Rubber Bumper up or down to tighten or loosen the Cable tension.
Important: Tighten the locknut against the bracket after you have properly adjusted the Cable tension.
C.Check the weights. Move the Weight Pin to each Weight and Selector Stem location and replace the Weight Pin in the Weight Stack.
With the slack removed from the Cables, you are now ready to use the Leg Press Option. Thank you for choosing Precor
Note: For maintenance instructions, refer to your S3.25 Assembly and Maintenance Guide.
Push the Pivot Arm up to adjust
A the Rubber Bumper
Rubber Bumper
Adjust the
B Rubber Bumper
Weight Pin
Step 3. Adjust the Rubber Bumper on the Leg Press Option
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