Bosch Appliances WFR 2460, WFR 2450 manual Aftr shing

Page 28

Aft￿r ￿￿shing

The St￿rt/P￿us￿ indicator light goes out. Display field: •Remove laundry￿.

￿Open the loading door.

￿Turn the program selectorOffto.


•No fin￿l spin" pr￿s￿l￿￿t￿￿


￿Turn the program selectorDrto￿in.

The St￿rt/P￿us￿ indicator light flashes.

￿Press theSt￿rt/P￿us￿ button. The indicator light shines. Display field: •Draining water￿.

￿When the additional program has ended, open the door.

￿Turn the program selectorOffto.

•Chil￿ lo￿k: ON" pr￿s￿l￿￿t￿￿

The St￿rt/P￿us￿ indicator light is on (yellow).

Display field: •Remove laundry￿.

￿ Press and hold down Stthe￿rt/P￿us￿ button (5￿seconds) until •Pause￿ is displayed.

The St￿rt/P￿us￿ indicator light flashes (red).

￿ Open the loading door.

￿ Turn the program selectorOffto.

The St￿rt/P￿us￿ indicator light flashes.

￿If required, change the spin speed; see from￿Page￿￿8.

￿Press theSt￿rt/P￿us￿ button.

The program starts. The program progress is indicated in the display field.

The indicator light shines.


Image 28
Contents Page Contents Safety These Disposal nformation Ntended UseOfsuffocaton NjuryYour New WashingMachine For best stain removal and cleaning results Control panelBefore Using For Using For the First TimeFirst Time Selecting LanguagePrpring, Sorting n Loing th Lunry Sorting th lunryPrpring thlunry Dgrs of irtWarm Risk F Explsin Loading the laundryCautin AndAdditives Laundry DetergentsRSK of Posonng Programs AndFunctionsBasic Programs Extra Cycle Program SelectorOption buttons Display FieldStart/Pause Butt Washing with Standard Settings Washing with Individual Settings Quick OverviewSpin Speed Program finishedat Reduced ironing Signal Child lock Standard time/Daylightsaving time Set clock Resetting the settings Durng Washng Soaking Decolorizing Canceling Active programBleaching Aftr shing RSK of Scaldng Emergency Lock ReleaseCauton Risk of Electric Shock User Maintenance InstructionsRisk of Explosion Cleaning the drain pump Risk of ScaldingCleaning water inlet strainers Descaling Washing machine Customer Service 944-294Troubleshooting Minor Faults Risk ElectricFuse Ault Fault Displays Safety information Installation Connection AndTransportationRisk of Injury Any dampness lift Dimensions Installation areaBuiltin Installation Levelling Procedure Rmovin th transport bolts Insert the covers Hos An abl Watr onntionMin 10 mm Electrical connection Grounding InstructionsTransport, e.g.when moving Warnng1001 am 5500 007