Heading category
Display title | Indication | Function |
Current heading | HDG | Heading, in degrees. Bearing reference |
| in Magnetic (MAG) or True (TRUE). |
Average heading | HDG AVG | Average heading, in degrees. Bearing |
| reference in Magnetic (MAG) or True |
| (TRUE). |
Heading on next tack | TACK | Heading on next tack, in degrees true |
| (fixed). Bearing reference in Magnetic |
| (MAG) or True (TRUE). |
Course over ground | COG | Course over ground, in degrees. |
Course made good | CMG | Course made good, in degrees. |
Distance made good | DMG | Distance made good, in kilometers |
| (km), nautical miles (nm) or statute |
| miles (sm). |
Navigation category
Display title | Indication | Function |
Bearing to waypoint | BTW | Bearing to waypoint, in degrees. |
| Bearing reference of Magnetic (MAG) or |
| True (TRUE) |
Distance to waypoint | DTW | Distance to waypoint, in kilometers |
| (KM), nautical miles (NM) or statute |
| miles (SM). |
Cross track error | XTE | |
| nautical miles (NM) or statute miles |
| (SM). |
Waypoint number/name | WPT | Waypoint number and name are shown. |
Latitude | LAT | Position in latitude. |
Longitude | LON | Position in longitude. |
Course over ground | COG | Course over ground, in degrees. |
| Bearing reference in Magnetic (MAG) or |
| True (TRUE). |
Speed over ground | SOG | Speed over ground, in knots (K), miles |
| per hour (MPH) or kilometers per hour |
| (KMH). |
Satellites tracked | GPS SAT | GPS satellites tracked. |
Roll | ROLL | Ship’s roll, in degrees. |
Pitch | PITCH | Ship’s pitch, in degrees. |