3.If the list is short, you can jump directly to the FIND IN LIST box by pressing ENT. Use ↑ or ↓ to select the waypoint name, press ENT and the waypoint information screen appears with the GO TO command se- lected.
Waypoint information screen on waypoint 004. Screen shows name, lati- tude/longitude, distance to waypoint and its compass bearing. Figure at left shows Go To command; right figure shows Find On Plotter command.
4.You can use ← or → to select various options on the waypoint information screen. If you wanted to navigate there, just press ENT, since the GO TO command is highlighted. If you want to see it on the plotter, press → to FIND ON PLOTTERENT.
5.The M52's plotter appears, with the
7.To clear the search and return to the last page displayed, press EXITEXIT.
Plotter screen showing Find Waypoint.
Navigate To a Waypoint
You can select any waypoint visible on the Plotter Page with the cur- sor, and then use the Navigate to Cursor command. Or, you could avoid scrolling the plotter to pick your waypoint if you use the Find Waypoint commands:
1.Press WPT. To look up the nearest waypoint, just press ENT; or, to look by name (and scroll through the entire waypoint list), press ↓ to FIND BY NAMEENT. For this example, look by name.