Furuno GP-1850WF Selecting Chart Scale/Range, Mini Chart Cards, Indices and chart enlargement

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3.5Selecting Chart Scale/Range

Chart scale (range) may be selected with the ZOOM IN or ZOOM OUT soft key. ZOOM IN expands the chart; ZOOM OUT shrinks it.


3.6Mini Chart Cards

The mini chart cards contain nautical charts. When you insert a suitable mini chart card in the slot and your boat is near land, a chart appears.

When a wrong card is inserted or a wrong chart scale is selected, the land will be hollow. Insert the proper card and select a suitable chart scale. Chart icons appear to help you select a suitable chart scale. The table below shows the chart icons and their meanings.

Chart icons and their meanings



Proper card is not inserted or chart scale is too small. Press the ZOOM IN soft key to adjust chart scale.

Chart scale is too large. Press the ZOOM OUT soft key to adjust chart scale.

Suitable chart scale is selected.

Indices and chart enlargement

When the ZOOM OUT soft key is used, you will see several frames appear on the chart. These frames are called indices and they show you what parts of the chart can be enlarged in the current picture range. The areas circumscribed with smaller frames can be enlarged, but the area enclosed by the largest frame cannot.


Image 31
Contents Color DGPS/PLOTTER/SOUNDER Color GPS/PLOTTER/SOUNDER 00080937000 Safety Instructions Table of Contents Routes IiiForeword FeaturesWord to GP-1850WDF/1850WF Owners Antenna Unit System ConfigurationWaas What is WAAS?Display Unit Controls Operational OverviewDisplay unit Remote Controller Direction of mini chart card Inserting Mini Chart CardTurning the Power On/Off Location of mini chart Card slot coverDisplay abbreviations Adjusting Tone and BrillianceTurning the power off Tone and brilliance adjustment windowDisplay modes plotter Plotter DisplaysDisplay modes Sounder display Sounder DisplaysTime display window Display setup 1 menuMenu Operation, Soft Keys Main menuDemo mode window Demo setting screenDemonstration Display Principle of Operation Video Sounder OperationUnderwater conditions and video sounder display Normal sounder display indications, markers Sounder Display DescriptionKHz picture Bottom-zoom display plus normal sounder display Selecting sounder display modeSounder function window Marker-zoom display plus normal sounder displayPlotter/Sounder Display Dual-frequency DisplayManual Sounder Operation Automatic Sounder OperationSelecting display range Adjusting the gainRange shifting Suppressing Interference Measuring DepthSuppressing Low Level Noise White Marker Erasing Weak EchoesSelecting Background and Echo Colors Selecting Picture Advance SpeedAlarms Fish school echoes Interpreting the DisplayZero line Minute markSurface noise/aeration Surface noise/AerationCourse-up Plotter DisplaysPresentation Modes North-upTurning on the cursor, shifting the cursor CursorShifting the Display Displaying Nav Information WindowChart icons and their meanings Selecting Chart Scale/RangeMini Chart Cards Indices and chart enlargementFuruno chart symbols Remarks on chart displayChart symbols Sample chart Japan and South Korea Showing indicesAid to navigation data Port service icons Nav-ChartsTMcardsNavigation data display Navigation Data DisplayEnlarging an indication GPS satellite monitor displayBeacon information display How to read the compass displaySteering Display Beacon information displayHighway Display How to read the XTE indicationSetting the range of the XTE scale XTE range setting windowPress the HIDE/SHOW key Changing Operation ModeResetting trip distance Selecting fishing 1, fishing 2 modeNavigation Trip Distance Stopping/Restarting Plotting of Track Chart setup menuTrack Displaying TrackTrack color window Changing Track ColorTrack Plotting Method, Interval Track plotting methodTrack memory window Changing Track Memory CapacityTrack plotting interval Interval windowErasing all track Erasing TracksErasing tracks by area Erasing tracks by colorChanging displays Plotter display MarkEntering Marks Plotter displayMark/line window Changing Mark AttributesVideo sounder display Changing displays Video sounder displayMark color window Chart details menuChanging Mark Size Mark line windowDisplaying Track and Mark Points Erasing MarksTarget Mark Entering waypoints at MOB position WaypointsEntering Waypoints Entering waypoints at own ship’s positionMark color selection window Waypoints menuWaypoint window Mark shape selection windowEntering waypoints by range and bearing Erasing waypoints through the waypoint list Erasing Individual WaypointsEntering waypoints by latitude and longitude position Erasing waypoints by the cursorChanging Waypoint Position on the Plotter Display Changing Waypoint DataSearching Waypoints Waypoint Mark SizeSearch window Route menu RoutesEntering Routes Entering routes through the route listEntering routes by the cursor Connecting RoutesConnect route window Edit route menu Inserting, Removing WaypointsInserting waypoints through the route list Changing waypoints through the listRemoving waypoints from routes Inserting waypoints on the plotter displayNew route window Route contents displayCreating Track-based Routes Save route menuErasing Routes Navigating to a single quick point NavigationNavigating to Quick Points Selecting quick point entry methodSample port list southern Italy Navigating to Ports, Port ServicesNavigating to Waypoints waypoint list Plotter displaySample filling station locations southern Italy Sample port service listNavigate route waypoints in reverse order Following a RouteNavigate along specific leg of route Restarting navigationSwitching waypoints Setting speed for ETA calculationSelect speed for ETA window Canceling Navigation Audio alarm window Plotter AlarmsAudio Alarm On/Off Alarm menuAnchor Watch Alarm Arrival AlarmSpeed Alarm XTE Cross Track Error AlarmProximity Alarm Alarm messages Alarm InformationAlarm messages and their meanings Download/upload menu Memory Card OperationsFormatting Memory Cards 10-1Save Data message Saving Data to Memory Card10-2 Saving dataData overwrite Error messagesLoading Data from Memory Card 10-3Mark/line Configuration10-4 Waypoint/route11-1 Chart Setup Options menuChart Offset menu Customizing Your UnitChart details menu description Chart Details menu11-2 Display Options menu Display Setup 1 menu description11-3 Mag variation window Display Setup 2 menu descriptionDisplay setup 2 menu 11-411-5 GPS Setup Options menu descriptionGPS Setup options menu 11.3 GPS/DGPS/TD Options menuGeodetic datum window 11-611-7 DGPS/WAAS Setup Options menuDGPS/WAAS menu Displaying Decca TDs TD Setup menu11-8 Displaying Loran C TDs11-9 Sounder Setup Options menuSystem Setup soft key Range Setup soft keyTVG concept 11-10Echo Offset 200kHz, Echo Offset 50kHz Seabed LVL 200kHz, Seabed LVL 50kHz11-11 Configuration menuSetup Nmea Port 1 menu description Setup NMEA/DGPS Port 2 menu descriptionDisplay unit, rear view 11-12UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD Data menu Upload/download menuCharacter available for comment 11-13Connection of GP-1850WDF/GP-1850WF to PC Waypoint data formatEnd of sentence 11-14Route data format Route comment format12-1 Using C-MAP NT ModelInserting Chart Card Location of chart card slot coverExample of caution area window Cursor and Data Display12-2 Objects window12-3 Tidal InformationDate window 12-4SET GO to Method window Make route window Select Port Service window12-5 Sample filling station locationsSector info Setting Chart Setup OptionsLighthouse appearance when sector info is off 12-6Depth info display 12-712-8 Displaying Program NumberMemory, I/O test results 13-1 Maintenance & TroubleshootingMaintenance Recommended maintenance program13-2 Replacement of Fuse, BatterySimple Troubleshooting Simple troubleshooting plotter13-3 Error MessagesSimple troubleshooting sounder Error messagesTest menu Diagnostic Tests13-4 Memory, I/O port testKeyboard test 13-5Keyboard test Display test13-6 Remote controller testRemote controller test Clearing MemoriesMenu Tree Default settings shown in bold italicMenu Tree 2 By soft key Next GRI Loran C ChainsChain Location Code Decca ChainsWorld Time OLD HAWAIIAN-OA Geodetic Chart ListThis page is intentionally left blank General Coating Color Index-1 IndexIndications Index-2Index-3 Index-4