Furuno GP-1850WF, GP-1850WDF manual Entering waypoints by range and bearing

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Changing waypoint name, comment, proximity alarm radius

1.If necessary, you can change the name (up to 6 characters), comment (up to 13 characters), L/L position and the proximity alarm radius (explained in detail in Chapter 8) as follows:


b)Use the cursor pad to select character or digit.

c)Enter appropriate data with the alphanumeric keys. Each press an alphanumeric key changes three alphabet and one number.

Note: You cannot change shape and color of a waypoint when it has a proximity alarm radius entered. To change shape or color, enter all zeroes as the proximity alarm radius.

Changing waypoint position

1.Use the cursor pad to place the cursor in the LAT LON field.

2.Operate the cursor pad to place the cursor on digit to change. Enter appropriate data with the alphanumeric keys.

3.You can switch co-ordinates with the N<-->S/E<-->W soft key.


Entering waypoints by range and bearing

This method is useful when you want to enter a waypoint using range and bearing to a target found on a radar.

1.Press the [WPT/RTE] key to open the WAYPOINT & ROUTE menu.

2.Press the WAYPOINTS soft key to open the WAYPOINT menu.

3.Press the WAYPOINT BY RANGE & BEARING soft key. The plotter screen appears.


12.345' N





12.345' E

























































Plotter display, range and bearing selected

as waypoint entry method

4.Operate the cursor pad to place the cursor on the location desired. The range and bearing from own ship to cursor appear at the top of the screen.

Note: The origin point of range and bearing can be shifted to the place you desire. Operate the cursor pad to select location, and then press the START POINT soft key. “X” appears at the cursor position.

5.Press the NEW WPT soft key to display the waypoint window.

6.If necessary, change data as you did in “Entering waypoints by the cursor.”

7.Press the SAVE soft key to register the waypoint.


Image 49
Contents Color DGPS/PLOTTER/SOUNDER Color GPS/PLOTTER/SOUNDER 00080937000 Safety Instructions Table of Contents Routes IiiForeword FeaturesWord to GP-1850WDF/1850WF Owners Antenna Unit System ConfigurationWaas What is WAAS?Display Unit Controls Operational OverviewDisplay unit Remote Controller Turning the Power On/Off Inserting Mini Chart CardLocation of mini chart Card slot cover Direction of mini chart cardTurning the power off Adjusting Tone and BrillianceTone and brilliance adjustment window Display abbreviationsDisplay modes plotter Plotter DisplaysDisplay modes Sounder display Sounder DisplaysMenu Operation, Soft Keys Display setup 1 menuMain menu Time display windowDemo mode window Demo setting screenDemonstration Display Principle of Operation Video Sounder OperationUnderwater conditions and video sounder display Normal sounder display indications, markers Sounder Display DescriptionKHz picture Sounder function window Selecting sounder display modeMarker-zoom display plus normal sounder display Bottom-zoom display plus normal sounder displayPlotter/Sounder Display Dual-frequency DisplayManual Sounder Operation Automatic Sounder OperationSelecting display range Adjusting the gainRange shifting Suppressing Interference Measuring DepthSuppressing Low Level Noise White Marker Erasing Weak EchoesSelecting Background and Echo Colors Selecting Picture Advance SpeedAlarms Zero line Interpreting the DisplayMinute mark Fish school echoesSurface noise/aeration Surface noise/AerationPresentation Modes Plotter DisplaysNorth-up Course-upShifting the Display CursorDisplaying Nav Information Window Turning on the cursor, shifting the cursorMini Chart Cards Selecting Chart Scale/RangeIndices and chart enlargement Chart icons and their meaningsChart symbols Remarks on chart displaySample chart Japan and South Korea Showing indices Furuno chart symbolsAid to navigation data Port service icons Nav-ChartsTMcardsEnlarging an indication Navigation Data DisplayGPS satellite monitor display Navigation data displaySteering Display How to read the compass displayBeacon information display Beacon information displaySetting the range of the XTE scale How to read the XTE indicationXTE range setting window Highway DisplayPress the HIDE/SHOW key Changing Operation ModeResetting trip distance Selecting fishing 1, fishing 2 modeNavigation Trip Distance Track Chart setup menuDisplaying Track Stopping/Restarting Plotting of TrackTrack Plotting Method, Interval Changing Track ColorTrack plotting method Track color windowTrack plotting interval Changing Track Memory CapacityInterval window Track memory windowErasing tracks by area Erasing TracksErasing tracks by color Erasing all trackEntering Marks MarkPlotter display Changing displays Plotter displayVideo sounder display Changing Mark AttributesChanging displays Video sounder display Mark/line windowChanging Mark Size Chart details menuMark line window Mark color windowDisplaying Track and Mark Points Erasing MarksTarget Mark Entering Waypoints WaypointsEntering waypoints at own ship’s position Entering waypoints at MOB positionWaypoint window Waypoints menuMark shape selection window Mark color selection windowEntering waypoints by range and bearing Entering waypoints by latitude and longitude position Erasing Individual WaypointsErasing waypoints by the cursor Erasing waypoints through the waypoint listChanging Waypoint Position on the Plotter Display Changing Waypoint DataSearching Waypoints Waypoint Mark SizeSearch window Entering Routes RoutesEntering routes through the route list Route menuEntering routes by the cursor Connecting RoutesConnect route window Inserting waypoints through the route list Inserting, Removing WaypointsChanging waypoints through the list Edit route menuRemoving waypoints from routes Inserting waypoints on the plotter displayCreating Track-based Routes Route contents displaySave route menu New route windowErasing Routes Navigating to Quick Points NavigationSelecting quick point entry method Navigating to a single quick pointNavigating to Waypoints waypoint list Navigating to Ports, Port ServicesPlotter display Sample port list southern ItalySample filling station locations southern Italy Sample port service listNavigate along specific leg of route Following a RouteRestarting navigation Navigate route waypoints in reverse orderSwitching waypoints Setting speed for ETA calculationSelect speed for ETA window Canceling Navigation Audio Alarm On/Off Plotter AlarmsAlarm menu Audio alarm windowAnchor Watch Alarm Arrival AlarmSpeed Alarm XTE Cross Track Error AlarmProximity Alarm Alarm messages Alarm InformationAlarm messages and their meanings Formatting Memory Cards Memory Card Operations10-1 Download/upload menu10-2 Saving Data to Memory CardSaving data Save Data messageLoading Data from Memory Card Error messages10-3 Data overwrite10-4 ConfigurationWaypoint/route Mark/lineChart Offset menu Chart Setup Options menuCustomizing Your Unit 11-1Chart details menu description Chart Details menu11-2 Display Options menu Display Setup 1 menu description11-3 Display setup 2 menu Display Setup 2 menu description11-4 Mag variation windowGPS Setup options menu GPS Setup Options menu description11.3 GPS/DGPS/TD Options menu 11-5Geodetic datum window 11-611-7 DGPS/WAAS Setup Options menuDGPS/WAAS menu 11-8 TD Setup menuDisplaying Loran C TDs Displaying Decca TDsSystem Setup soft key Sounder Setup Options menuRange Setup soft key 11-9Echo Offset 200kHz, Echo Offset 50kHz 11-10Seabed LVL 200kHz, Seabed LVL 50kHz TVG conceptSetup Nmea Port 1 menu description Configuration menuSetup NMEA/DGPS Port 2 menu description 11-11UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD Data menu 11-12Upload/download menu Display unit, rear viewConnection of GP-1850WDF/GP-1850WF to PC 11-13Waypoint data format Character available for commentRoute data format 11-14Route comment format End of sentenceInserting Chart Card Using C-MAP NT ModelLocation of chart card slot cover 12-112-2 Cursor and Data DisplayObjects window Example of caution area window12-3 Tidal InformationDate window 12-4SET GO to Method window 12-5 Select Port Service windowSample filling station locations Make route windowLighthouse appearance when sector info is off Setting Chart Setup Options12-6 Sector infoDepth info display 12-712-8 Displaying Program NumberMemory, I/O test results Maintenance Maintenance & TroubleshootingRecommended maintenance program 13-1Simple Troubleshooting Replacement of Fuse, BatterySimple troubleshooting plotter 13-2Simple troubleshooting sounder Error MessagesError messages 13-313-4 Diagnostic TestsMemory, I/O port test Test menuKeyboard test 13-5Display test Keyboard testRemote controller test Remote controller testClearing Memories 13-6Menu Tree Default settings shown in bold italicMenu Tree 2 By soft key Next GRI Loran C ChainsChain Location Code Decca ChainsWorld Time OLD HAWAIIAN-OA Geodetic Chart ListThis page is intentionally left blank General Coating Color Index-1 IndexIndications Index-2Index-3 Index-4