13.Slowly slide up the CH 3 volume level slide control until you get a reading of up to 0 on both VU meters.
illustration of CH 3 control
Important: Write down or remem- ber the CH 3 volume level slide control’s setting for the selected audio source, so each time you want to mix that source you can slide the CH 3 volume level slide control to the correct setting.
Note: If it was necessary to set the CH 3 volume level slide control all the way to 10 in order to get a reading of up to 0 on the VU meter, then slide CH 3 down to about 8 and rotate MASTER clock- wise until you get the reading of 0 on the VU meters.
14.Stop playback of the selected in- put source.
15.To preset the LINE 4 input source, set LINE 3/LINE 4 to LINE 4. Then repeat Steps
Note: If you have to readjust MAS- TER when performing Step 13, re- member that this affects the level of the previously preset input sources. You must readjust those sources until you get a reading of up to 0 on the VU meters for each.
16.To prevent prematurely mixing au- dio sources, set all volume level slide controls to 0.
Checking the Sound
1.Select one of the input sources, then start playback of the selected source.
2.Set the volume level slide control to the position you determined during presetting. The VU meters should show a reading of up to 0 dB.
3.Turn up the receiver/amplifier’s volume until it reaches the desired level for the location or event where the mixer will be used (this can vary).
4.Adjust BASS, MID, and TREBLE to get the desired sound (see “Using the Tone Controls” on Page 18).
Note: If adjusting BASS, MID, and TREBLE causes the VU meters to exceed 0 dB, rotate MASTER counterclockwise until the read- ing returns to 0. Then adjust your output device (amplifier) volume accordingly.
5.Stop playback of the selected in- put source.
Note: Do not adjust MASTER after checking the sound.