You can connect input signals from up to six audio sources, select any two, then mix them so only one or both play through your sound system.
Mixing requires three operations:
•Playing one input source
•Monitoring the next input source
•Switching to the next input source
You can play either of the two select- ed sources first.
•Ensure the volume level slide con- trol for the other input channel source is set to 0.
•The CUE ASSIGN switches are
Playing One Input Source
1.Set ASSIGN A to the desired source, then set CROSS FADER to
illustration of ASSIGN A set to 1 and CROSS
FADER set to A
2.Set the input source selector to the preset input source you want to play first through your sound system.
3.Make sure the first input source’s volume level slide control is set to the correct preset position.
4.Start playback of the input source.
Monitoring a Second
Input Source
Monitoring a second input source’s signal level requires selecting the in- put source that is not currently play- ing, finding the desired section you want to mix, then adjusting that source’s sound level so it matches the volume level of the source currently playing.
1.Connect and put on headphones.
Note: You can listen to one chan- nel through the headphones while the other channel is playing through the sound system.
2.Set ASSIGN B to the second input source.