Your Optimus
1DJ Microphone Input — lets you connect a balanced, low imped- ance microphone with an XLR plug.
2Microphone Treble — lets you adjust the microphone’s treble.
3Microphone Bass — lets you ad- just the microphone’s bass.
4Assign Controls — lets you se- lect the input sources to be mixed.
5Talkover — lowers the sound of the input sources so you can talk over them using the microphone.
6Slide Volume Controls — for fin- gertip control of sound mixing and fading.
7Cross Fader — lets you smoothly switch between two input sources.
8Input Source Selectors — let you easily choose the desired au- dio input source to be played.
9Master Volume — lets you con- trol the mixer’s overall volume lev- el.
10Output Level VU Meters — indi- cate the mixer’s total output signal level.