you can achieve a vaguely similar result by simply turning up the level until a mic feeds back, then reacting accordingly (this may or may not involve the EQ’s). In any case, the prime suspect whenever feedback starts is always a monitor. A graphic EQ with a MIC level input can be inserted between the offending mic and the mixer input to solve that channel’s problem without altering the whole monitor system response.
Effects Bus Routing Overview
The AP812/818’s effects bus receives and mixes down all the channel EFX SEND sig- nals. Its output is regulated by the MASTER EFX SEND control and is internally routed, first to the EFX SEND / FOOTSWITCH jack. This is a switching jack which normally allows the signal to proceed
internally to the effects pro- cessor. But when a jack is inserted here, the switching function reroutes the effects bus signal out the jack to either an on/off footswitch or whatever you have patched it to, probably an external effects unit, or possibly something else if you have decided to do without effects and perhaps feed a broadcast transmitter or recording unit. In any case, the output of the internal digital effects proces- sor is permanently routed to the MASTER EFX fader and thereafter to the LEFT & RIGHT MAIN MASTER bus- ses, also to the EFX to MON master control and thereafter to the monitor bus.
Master EFX Send
Control & Clip LED
For the quietest performance,
you should run the MASTER EFX SEND level as high as possible without causing distor- tion. With the channel EFX SEND controls turned up roughly
Digital Effects Processor
The internal Digital Effects Processor is a full 16 bit, 20 kHz bandwidth
The selection of effects was determined in collaboration with a panel of sound engi- neers experienced in live performance mixing. The panel was asked to choose effects which would be of the most practical use in actual live performance situations. As
a result you will find the internal system to be more than adequate for most applications.
EFX Footswitch/
Send Jack
A standard on/off footswitch (optional) plugged into this jack will enable you to turn the internal effects system