This means that you
User tip: In order to shut a channel off completely, it will be necessary to turn down the MON send, as well as the channel fader.
3-Band EQ
Equalization is varied by four controls labeled HIGH, MID, SWEEPABLE MID (variable from 80 Hz to 8 kHz), and LOW. Each control can either boost or cut the amplitude of its frequency band by 15 dB. This is a considerable amount of gain change, roughly equivalent to a 150% variation in audible loudness. It is therefore wise to use boost set- tings of not more than +3 dB to +6 dB in order to avoid feedback and/or distortion.
User tip: On the other hand,
3-Band EQ - Channels 9/10, 11/12, (15/16 & 17/18)
LOW, MID & HIGH shelving EQ is provided for the stereo channels. Here again, the gain range is plus/minus
Effects Send
The EFX send control varies the amount of
/FOOTSWITCH jack and then to the internal
Cue Button - Channels 9/10, 11/12, (15/16 & 17/18)
The CUE feature enables you to preview channel signals via headphones before they go to the main and/or MONitor bus. The CUE signal is
To employ this feature, simply follow these steps:
a)Connect a tape or
b)Pull the channel fader all the way down and turn the MON send off.
c)Depress the CUE button. Now that channel will have prominence through your headphones.
d)Cue up your tape or CD track through the phones, then put it on play hold/ pause.
e)When you are ready to insert the recorded material, simply punch the CUE button into the up position, then take the recorded material off play hold/ pause and bring up the channel fader and MON send to the desired mix lev- els.
User tip: When you have inserted the cued material into the monitors, you will be able to adjust its monitor mix level via headphones since the monitor bus signals are always present through the phones when no channels are on CUE. The recorded material’s main mix level will be audible to you through the main speaker system.
Pan or Balance Controls
This control directs the