Installer’s Guide
Air duct systems should be installed in accordance with standards for air conditioning systems, National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet No. 90. They should be sized in accordance with ACCA Manual D or which- ever is applicable.
Central furnaces, when used in connection with cooling units, shall be installed in parallel or on the upstream side of the cooling coil to avoid condensation in the heat exchanger. With a parallel flow arrangement, the damp- ers or other means used to control flow of air shall be adequate to prevent chilled air from entering the fur- nace, and if manually operated, must be equipped with means to prevent operation of either unit unless the damper is in full heat or cool position.
On any job, flexible connections of nonflammable mate- rial may be used for return air and discharge connections to prevent transmission of vibration. Though these units have been specifically designed for quiet, vibration free operation, air ducts can act as sounding boards and could, if poorly installed, amplify the slightest vibration to the annoyance level.
When the furnace is located in a utility room adjacent to the living area, the system should be carefully de- signed with returns to minimize noise transmission through the return air grille. Although these furnaces are designed with large blowers operating at moderate speeds, any blower moving a high volume of air will produce audible noise which could be objectionable when the unit is located very close to a living area. It is often advisable to route the return air ducts under the floor or through the attic. Such design permits the in- stallation of air return remote from the living area (i.e. central hall).
When the furnace is installed so that the supply ducts carry air circulated by the furnace to areas outside the space containing the furnace, the return air shall also be handled by a duct(s) sealed to the furnace and termi- nating outside the space containing the furnace.
Where there is no complete return duct system, the re- turn connection must be run full size from the furnace to a location outside the utility room, basement, attic, or crawl space.
Do Not install return air through the back of the furnace cabinet
Do Not install return air through the side of the furnace cabinet on horizontal applications.
Minimum return air temperature is 55° F.
All return air duct systems should provide for installa- tion of return air filters.
All return air duct systems should provide for installa- tion of return air filters.
1.Determine the appropriate position to set the furnace in order to existing supply and return ductwork.
2.The return air filter and rack are shipped in either the bottom or side location. Remove the filter and filter rack by first turning the two latches on the blower door and tilting the door forward to remove. Remove the filter by sliding it out of the rack. Compress the spring loaded filter rack to disengage the retaining pins/screws from the furnace sides and slide the filter rack out.
The filter rails are spring loaded for automatic adjustment to allow standard size, locally obtainable replacement filters. The filter rack itself slides to adjust to the required width needed for bottom or side return.
3.For upflow side return installations, remove the insulation around the opening in the blower compart- ment.
4.The side panels of the upflow furnace include locating notches that are used as guides for cutting an opening for return air, refer to Figure 10 and the outline drawing on page 5 for duct connection dimensions for various furnaces.
5.If a 3/4" flange is to be used for attaching the air inlet duct, add to cut where indicated by dotted lines in Figure 10. Cut corners diagonally and bend outward to form flange.
6.If flanges are not required, and a filter frame is installed, cut between locating notches (See Figure 10).
7.The bottom panel of the upflow furnace must be removed for bottom return air. After removing the filter and filter rack, lay the furnace on its back. Remove the two 5/16" hex screws securing the front of the bottom channel to the cabinet. Rotate the channel downward (or remove by lowering the front edge of the channel and pulling forward). Slide the bottom return air panel out of the cabinet. Rotate the front channel to its original position and rein- stall the two 5/16” screws.
8.The filter retainer is factory supplied for upflow bot- tom return. Use the filter retainer on side or bot- tom if filter is to be used within the furnace cabinet on upflow only installations.
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