Groupe SEB USA - T-FAL CB6070 manual Storage, Do not insert the control unit 4 in the appliance

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The protective cover (1), the grill plate (2) and the juice collection tray (3) may be cleaned with the sponge, hot water and washing up liquid.

Never use a metallic sponge or scouring powder as this could damage the non-stick coating inside the protective cover (1) and on the grill plate (2).

The grill plate (2) may be easily cleaned without any risk when the control unit (4) is removed from the appliance.

While cleaning the appliance, make sure you do not twist the pins of the heating element.

Never submerge the appliance in water with the control unit (4) and the cord.


Insert the juice collection tray (3) in the front of the appliance, under the grill plate (2).

Insert the protective cover (1) at the back of the appliance, as shown in the drawing opposite.

Close the protective cover (1) to protect the grill plate (2).

The protective cover (1) will not close correctly while the control unit (4) is inserted in the appliance.

Do not insert the control unit (4) in the appliance.

Place the appliance on its support legs.

Store the appliance and control unit (4) in a dry place.

Never store the appliance in direct sunlight or leave it outside during winter.

Image 14
Contents Largo Avant la première utilisation FrançaisBranchement et préchauffage Dérouler entièrement le cordonNe jamais utiliser l’appareil sans surveillance CuissonAprès utilisation Ne pas faire de cuisson en papilloteNe pas insérer le boîtier de commande 4 dans lappareil RangementRecettes TableauCroque-demonsieurcuissonQuelques conseils de cuisson GrilladesSaumon à la sauce menthe Côtes dagneau au basilicEscalope de poulet sauce diable Rougets, sardines, escalopes de thon bord de merBrochettes de porc à lananas BrochettesBrochettes de bœuf aux tomates Brochettes de veauBrochettes de saumon au curry Brochettes de carré dagneau à la provençaleBefore first use EnglishAvoid using Bulgomme tablecloth type plaint supports Plugging in and preheatingNever leave the appliance unattended CookingAfter use Storage Do not insert the control unit 4 in the applianceAdditional Information and Instructions Wiring Instructions For U.K. users onlyCooking charts RecipesSome cooking tips Mixed grillsSalmon with mint sauce Lamp chops with basilChicken fillet in diable sauce Red mullet, sardines, tuna fillets, sea-side stylePork and pineapple kebabs KebabsBeef and tomato kebabs Veal kebabsCurried salmon kebab Rack of lamb kebabs Provencal styleAntes de la primera utilización EspañolConexión y pre-calentamiento Desenrolle completamente el cableNunca deje el aparato funcionando sin vigilancia CocciónDespués de utilizar el aparato Nunca retire la bandeja recoge-jugos 3 durante la cocciónPara guardar el aparato No acople la caja de mandos 4 en el aparatoRecetas Tabla de tiempos de cocciónAlgunos consejos de cocción GrillsSalmón a la salsa de menta Costillas de cordero a la albahacaEscalope de pollo con salsa diablo Barbacoa de pescadoBrocheta de piña y cerdo BrochetasBrocheta de ternera y tomate Brocheta de terneraBrocheta de salmón al curry Brocheta de pierna de cordero a la provenzalRC 301 520 920 Ref .081000 05/0401/04