Weber 56209, E 470 manual GAS Instructions, Install GAS Supply, General Specifications for Piping

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General Specifications for Piping

Note: Contact your local municipality for building codes regulating outdoor gas barbecue installations. In absence of Local Codes, you must conform to the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas Code: ANSI Z 223.1/NFPA 54, or CAN/ CGA-B149.1, Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code. WE RECOMMEND THAT THIS


Some of the following are general requirements taken from the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas Code: ANSI Z 223..1/NFPA 54, or CAN/CGA-B149..1, Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code for complete specifications..

This barbecue is designed to operate at 4.5 inches of water column pressure (.163 psi).

A manual shut-off valve must be installed outdoors, immediately ahead of the quick disconnect..

An additional manual shut-off valve indoors should be installed in the branch fuel line in an accessible location near the supply line..

The quick disconnect connects to a 1/2 inch NPT thread from the gas source. The quick disconnect fitting is a hand-operated device that automatically shuts off the flow of gas from the source when the barbecue is disconnected..

The quick disconnect fitting can be installed horizontally, or pointing downward.

Installing the fitting with the open end pointing upward can result in collecting water and debris..

The dust covers (supplied plastic plugs) help keep the open ends of the quick disconnect fitting clean while disconnected..

Pipe compound should be used which is resistant to the action of natural gas when connections are made..

The outdoor connector must be firmly attached to rigid, permanent construction.

mWARNING: Do not route the 10 foot hose under a deck. The hose must be visible.

Gas Line Piping

If the length of the line required does not exceed 50 feet, use a 5/8" O.D. tube. One size larger should be used for lengths greater than 50 feet..

Gas piping may be copper tubing, type K or L; polyethylene plastic tube, with a minimum wall thickness of ..062 inch; or standard weight (schedule 40) steel or wrought iron pipe..

Copper tubing must be tin-lined if the gas contains more than 0.3 grams of hydrogen sulfide per 100 cubic feet of gas..

Plastic tubing is suitable only for outdoor, underground use.

Gas piping in contact with earth, or any other material which may corrode the piping, must be protected against corrosion in an approved manner..

Underground piping must have a minimum of 18" cover.

Test Connections

All connections and joints must be thoroughly tested for leaks in accordance with local codes and all listed procedures in the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas Code: ANSI Z 223..1/NFPA 54, or CAN/CGA-B149..1


Do not use an open flame to check for gas leaks. Be sure there are no sparks or open flames in the area while you check for gas leaks. This will result in a fire or explosion which can cause serious bodily injury or death and damage to property.

This is a typical installation of a Weber® natural gas barbecue.

Local codes may require different installations.



Gas Supply


Shut off









½" Pipe Nipple






Locking Shut Off


Do Not Use






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Contents GAS Grill Liquid Propane GAS Units only Table of Contents Exploded View Summit 470NGUS010810Exploded View List Warranty Canadian Installation Operating GAS Supply TestingGeneral Instructions StorageInstall GAS Supply General Specifications for PipingGAS Instructions Gas Line PipingWhat is Natural GAS? Portable InstallationType of GAS SocketRemove Control Panel Leak Check PreparationCheck That All Burner Valves Are Off Do not use an open flame to check for gas leaks. Be sure Check the Flexible Hose to Manifold ConnectionCheck for GAS Leaks Reinstall Control Panel CheckLight Features Before Using Your GrillWeber Grill OUT Handle Light Lighted Control KnobsSnap Ignition Operation Always open the lid before igniting the burnersMain Burner Ignition & Usage Main Burner IgnitionTo Extinguish Main Burner Snap IgnitionMain Burner Manual Ignition Grilling Tips & Helpful Hints Preheating Covered CookingDrippings And Grease Flavorizer SystemIndirect Cooking Cooking MethodsDirect Cooking OFF START/HI LOW Side Burner Ignition & UsageSide Burner Ignition Side Burner Manual Ignition Sear Station Ignition & Usage Sear Station Burner IgnitionAdjacent Main Burner Snap Ignition OffonUsing the Sear Station Sear Station Burner Manual IgnitionSmoker Burner Ignition & Usage Smoker Burner IgnitionSmoker Burner Manual Ignition Smoker Burner Snap IgnitionOpen the lid Using the Smoker Cleaning the SmokerRotisserie Burner Ignition & Usage Rotisserie Burner IgnitionRotisserie Burner Manual Ignition Operating the Rotisserie Before Using Your RotisserieImportant Safeguards Rotisserie Cooking Rotisserie Motor StorageRotisserie Spit Storage With any gas linesTroubleshooting Side Burner TroubleshootingBottom tray with Aluminum foilGrill OUT Handle Light Troubleshooting Sear Station TroubleshootingRotisserie Troubleshooting Maintenance CleaningMain Burner Cleaning Weber SPIDER/INSECT ScreensUSMNT409Sum470670.incx+ Replacing Main BurnersSide Burner Maintenance Removing The Sear Station BurnerBurner Flame Pattern Annual MaintenanceInspection And Cleaning Of The Spider/Insect Screens Memo Barbacoa de gas Advertencias Únicamente Unidades DE GAS Propano LicuadoÍndice Encendido Y USO DEL Quemador DE LADiagrama DE Despiece Rueda giratoria con bloqueo Lista DEL Diagrama DE DespieceTermopar Garantía USAInstrucciones Generales Instalación CanadienseAlmacenaje OperaciónInstrucciones Para EL GAS Instale EL Suministro DE GASEspecificaciones generales de la tubería Instalación de la tubería de gasInstalación Transportable Tipo DE GAS¿QUÉ ES EL GAS NATURAL? Retire el panel de control Preparación Para LA Detección DE FugasCerciórese de que todas las válvulas estén cerradas Detección DE Fugas DE GAS Verifique Vuelva a instalar el panel de controlFunciones DE LUZ Antes DE Utilizar LA BarbacoaLámpara DEL ASA Weber Grill OUT Perillas DE Control IluminadasSiempre abra la tapa antes encender los quemadores Encendido Y USO DEL Quemador Principal Encendido DEL Quemador PrincipalAdvertencia No se incline sobre la barbacoa abierta Para ApagarEncendido Manual DEL Quemador Principal Advertencia Si el quemador no se enciende, gire laPerilla del control del quemador Delantero a la posición Apagado y espere 5 minutos para permitir que el gas seConsejos Prácticos Para Asar Cocción Indirecta Métodos DE CocciónCocción Directa Apagado Encendido Fuego Alto Fuego Bajo Encendido Y USO DEL Quemador LateralEncendido DEL Quemador Lateral Encendido Manual DEL Quemador Lateral Encendido DE LA Estación DE Dorado Sear Station Encendido de acción rápida del quemador principal adyacente Advertencia No se incline sobre la barbacoa abierta Cómo Usar LA Estación Para Dorar Sear StationEncendido Y USO DEL Quemador DE Ahumado Encendido DEL Quemador DEL AhumadorEncendido rápido del quemador del ahumador Apagado ENCENDIDO/ Fuego Bajo Fuego AltoEncendido Manual DEL Quemador DEL Ahumador Cómo Usar EL Ahumador Limpieza DEL AhumadorEncendido rápido del quemador del asador giratorio Encendido Y USO DEL Quemador DEL Asador GiratorioEncendido DEL Quemador DEL Asador Giratorio Encendido Manual DEL Quemador DEL Asador Giratorio Medidas preventivas importantes Antes DE Usar EL Asador GiratorioOperación DEL Asador Giratorio Almacenaje DEL Espetón DEL Asador Giratorio Cómo Cocinar CON EL Asador GiratorioAlmacenaje DEL Motor DEL Asador Giratorio Resolución DE Problemas Resolución DE Problemas CON EL Quemador LateralPrecaución No forre La bandeja del fondo conResolución DE Problemas CON EL Asador Giratorio Resolución DE Problemas DE LA LUZ DE ASA Grill OUTMantenimiento LimpiezaMallas Weber Contra Arañas E Insectos Limpieza DEL Quemador PrincipalReemplazo DE LOS Quemadores Principales Mantenimiento DEL Quemador Lateral Tubo quemador Mantenimiento AnualPatrón de la llama del quemador Memo Grill a GAZ Mise EN Garde Appareils a GAZ Propane UniquementTable DES Matieres GeneralitesVUE Eclatee Roulette à verrouillage Liste DE LA VUE EclateeGrilles de cuisson Poignées de portes Garantie Installation AU Canada GeneralitesStockage UtilisationInstallation DE L’ALIMENTATION EN GAZ Instructions Concernant LE GAZSpécifications Générales Relatives À La Canalisation Conduite de gazQU’EST-CE QUE LE GAZ Naturel ? Installation PortativeType DE GAZ Vérifiez que toutes les valves du brûleur sont fermées Retirer le panneau de commandesPreparation Pour LA Detection DES Fuites Detection DES Fuites DE GAZ Remise en place du panneau de commande VérifiezBoutons DE Commandes Eclaires Fonctionnalites D’ECLAIRAGEAvant D’UTILISER Votre Grill Lampe DE Poignee Weber Grill OUTOuvrez toujours le couvercle avant d’allumer les brûleurs Allumage & Utilisation DU Bruleur Principal Allumage DU Brûleur PrincipalPour Eteindre Bouton d’allumage du bruleur principalLe bouton de commande sur Arrêté et patientez 5 minutes Allumage Manuel DU Bruleur PrincipalMise EN Garde Si le brûleur ne s’allume pas, positionnez Pour laisser le gaz se dissiper avant d’essayer à nouveauAstuces & Conseils Utiles Pour LES Grillades Cuisson couverteEcoulements de jus et de graisses Système FlavorizerCuisson Indirecte Methodes DE CuissonCuisson Directe Arrêté MARCHE/ELEVE Allumage & Utilisation DU Bruleur LateralAllumage DU Bruleur Lateral Allumage Manuel DU Bruleur Lateral Allumage automatique des bruleurs principaux adjacents Allumage & Utilisation DE Votre Sear StationAllumage DU Bruleur Sear Station Allumage automatique du bruleur principal adjacent Allumage Manuel DU Bruleur Sear StationUtilisation DU Bruleur Sear Station Allumage & Utilisation DU Bruleur DU Fumoir Allumage DU Bruleur DU FumoirAllumage du bruleur du fumoir avec le bouton Arrêté MARCHE/ELEVE FaibleAllumage Manuel DU Bruleur DU Fumoir Utilisation DU Fumoir Nettoyage DU FumoirAllumage & Utilisation DU Bruleur DE LA Rotissoire Allumage DU Bruleur DE LA RotissoireMise EN Garde Ne vous penchez pas au-dessus du grill ouvert Bouton d’allumage du bruleur de la rotissoireAllumage & Utilisation DU Bruleur DE LA Rotissoire Utilisation DE LA Rotissoire Precautions De Securite ImportantesAvant D’UTILISER Votre Rôtissoire Cuisson a L’AIDE DE LA Rotissoire Stockage DU Moteur DE LA RotissoireStockage DE LA Broche DE LA Rotissoire En contact avec des conduites de gazResolution DES Problemes Resolution DES Problemes DU Bruleur LateralRecouvrez pas le Plateau inférieur deResolution DES Problemes DE LA Lampe DE Poignee Grill OUT Resolution DES Problemes DE Votre Sear StationResolution DES Problemes DE LA Rotissoire Nettoyage Grilles ANTI-ARAIGNEES/INSECTES WeberNettoyage DU Bruleur Principal Fermez L’ARRIVÉE DE GAZRemplacement DES Bruleurs Principaux Maintenance DU Bruleur Lateral Positionnés correctement au-dessus des orifices des valvesArrêté Retrait du bruleur sear stationMaintenance Annuelle Aspect des flammes du brûleurWEBER-STEPHEN Products CO