A&D UA-1030T Taking Your Blood Pressure Measurement Using Tricheck, Press the Start button

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5.Press the START button. All of the display segments are displayed. Zero (0) is displayed blinking briefly. The display changes, as indicated in the figure at the right, as the measurement begins. The cuff starts to inflate. It is normal for the cuff to feel very tight. A pressure bar indicator is displayed, on the left edge of the display, during the inflation.

Note: If you wish to stop inflation at any time, press the START button again.

6.When inflation is complete, deflation starts automatically and blinks, indicating that the measurement is in progress. Once the pulse is detected, the mark blinks with each pulse beat.

Note: If an appropriate pressure is not obtained, the device starts to inflate again automatically. To avoid re-inflation, see “Measurement with the SET Pressure” on the next page.

7.When the measurement is complete, the systolic and diastolic pressure readings and pulse

rate are displayed. The device announces the measurement results. The cuff exhausts the remaining air and deflates completely.

8.Press the START button to turn the device off. After one minute of non-operation, the device will turn off automatically.

9.The reading is then stored into memory. See page E-18 for more details about the memory function.


All of the display segments displayed

Zero display

Starts inflation


Measurement in progress

Systolic pressure

Diastolic pressure

WHO classification

Pulse rate

Exhausts remaining

air automatically

1.Press the START button.

All of the display segments are displayed. Zero (0) is displayed blinking briefly and the first measurement starts.

2.When the measurement is complete, the systolic and diastolic pressure readings and pulse rate are displayed, then a one-minute countdown starts for the second measurement.

3.After one minute, the second measurement starts.

4.When the measurement is complete, the average readings of the first and second measurements are displayed, then a one-minute countdown starts for the third measurement.

5.After one minute, the third measurement starts.

6.When the measurement is complete, the average readings of the three measurements are displayed and stored in memory.


During the measurement, the TriCheck symbol is displayed.

To cancel the measurement, press the START button. In this case, no data is stored in memory.

At heart level


All of the display segments displayed

First measurement


Results of the

One minute after

first measurement


Second measurement


Average of the first and

One minute after

second measurements


Third measurement


Average of the


three measurements

10.Remove cuff and make a note of blood pressure and pulse rate on the chart in the back of this manual, indicating date and time of measurement. Additional logbook charts can be downloaded and printed for free at www.andmedical.com or in Canada at www.autocontrol.com. We advise that you record the date and time after each measurement becaue an accurate blood pressure history relies not on single or sporadic readings, but on a pattern over time.

When the cuff fit error symbol appears during the first measurement, cancel the measurement, reapply the cuff correctly and start a new measurement.

After measurement, the average data of the three measurements is stored in memory. No data will be stored, when canceling the measurements, or before completion of the third measurement.


A&D Medical (Toll-Free): 1-888-726-9966

In Canada - Auto Control Medical (Toll-Free): 1-800-461-0991


Image 8
Contents Models UA-1030T + UA-1030TCN Important Information PrecautionsThis Monitor is Clinically Validated Table of Contents Medical Designed for LifeWhat Display Symbols Mean What Display Symbols Mean Before YOU Start Monitor Components HOW UA-1030T Works Selecting the Correct Cuff Size Adjusting the ClockAdjusting the Pressure Tricheck Mode Taking Your Blood PressureTips for Blood Pressure Monitoring NOW YOU are Ready Follow These Simple StepsTaking Your Blood Pressure Measurement Using Tricheck Press the Start buttonWhat is AN Irregular Heartbeat Measurement with SET PressureAbout Cuff Inflation Meter Measurement with Desired Systolic PressureAbout the Pressure Rating Indicator About Memory PressDisplayed. If no data, 0 is displayed Each time Button or the buttonConnecting the AC Adapter to the Monitor Disconnecting the AC Adapter from the MonitorSelecting the Language Turn the unit off by pressing the Start buttonAbout Blood Pressure 130-139140-159 160-179 100-109What is HYPERTENSION? WHY Measure Blood Pressure AT HOME?Can Hypertension be CONTROLLED? Keys to Successful MonitoringTroubleshooting Animated Operating Instructions Additional Logbook SheetsEstablishing Baseline Measurements HOW do I Record MY Blood PRESSURE?Specifications Contact InformationDate SYS/DIA Pulse Pouls Fecha SIS/DIA Pulso Modèles UA-1030T + UA-1030TCN Mesures DE Sécurité CE Tensiomètre EST Approuvé CliniquementRenseignements Importants Table DES Matières Déclaration DE ValidationSignification DES Symboles Symboles imprimés sur le boîtier de lappareilAvant DE Commencer Pièces DU TensiomètreFonctionnement DE Lappareil UA-1030T Réglage DE LA Tension Sélection DU Brassard DE Taille AppropriéeRéglage DE Lhorloge Mode Tricheck Prendre LA Tension ArtérielleConseils Pour LA Prise DE LA Tension Artérielle Vous Êtes Maintenant Prêt Procéder Comme SuitPrendre LA Tension Artérielle Mesure À Laide DE Tricheck Mesure Avec Tension Définie QU’EST-CE QU’UNE Arythmie ?Indicateur DE Gonflage DU Brassard Mesure Avec Tension Systolique DésiréeLindicateur de niveau de pression Pressure Rating Mesures. En cas dabsence de données, « -- » safficheSélection DE LA Langue Connexion DE L’ADAPTATEUR CA AU TensiomètreDéconnexion DE L’ADAPTATEUR CA DU Tensiomètre L1 anglais valeur par défaut L2 français L3 espagnolRenseignements Relatifs À LA Tension Artérielle QU’EST-CE QUE LA Tension Artérielle ?Évaluation DE Lhypertension Chez L’ADULTE Hypertension de niveauDéfinition DE Lhypertension EST-IL Possible DE Contrôler Lhypertension ?Dépannage Établissement DE Mesures DE RéférenceComment DOIS-JE Inscrire MA Tension Artérielle ? Outils Dassistance Clientèle EN LigneCaractéristiques Techniques CoordonnéesMedical Toll-Free Canada Auto Control Medical Toll-Free Modelos UA-1030T + UA-1030TCN Precauciones Este Monitor Está Clínicamente ValidadoInformación Importante Rápido. Fácil. Preciso ÍndiceSignificado DE LOS Símbolos DE LA Pantalla Símbolos impresos en el estuche del dispositivoAntes DE Comenzar Componentes DEL MonitorCómo Funciona UA-1030T Ajustes DE LA Presión Selección DEL Brazalete DE Tamaño CorrectoAjustes DEL Reloj Modo Tricheck Medición DE LA Presión ArterialConsejos Para EL Control DE LA Presión Arterial Ahora Está Listo Siga Estos Simples PasosMedición DE LA Presión Arterial Medición CON Tricheck Medición CON Presión DE Referencia QUÉ ES UN Latido Irregular DEL CorazónAcerca DEL Medidor DE Ingreso DE Aire EN EL Brazalete Medición CON Presión Sistólica DeseadaAcerca DEL Indicador DE Clasificacion DE Presión Acerca DE LA MemoriaPara Desconectar EL Adaptador DE CA DEL Monitor Selección DEL IdiomaPara Conectar EL Adaptador DE CA AL Monitor Acerca DE LA Presión Arterial Hipertensión en etapaGrado de hipertensión 100-109 Grado de hipertensión¿QUÉ ES LA HIPERTENSIÓN? ¿ES Posible Mantener LA Hipertensión Bajo CONTROL?¿POR QUÉ Tomarse LA Presión Arterial EN CASA? Claves Para UN Control SatisfactorioResolución DE Problemas Cómo Establecer Mediciones DE Referencia¿CÓMO Llevo UN Registro DE MI Presión ARTERIAL? Asistencia AL Cliente EN LíneaEspecificaciones Información DE ContactoMedical Toll-Free Canada Auto Control Medical Toll-Free Automation Parkway, San Jose, California 95131 U.S.A Asahi, Kitamoto-shi, Saitama 364-8585 JapanUnited Kingdom
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