A&D 2 Plus owner manual Care & Maintenance

Page 58


Section 5: Care & Maintenance

Care After the Dive

Annual Dealer Inspections & Factory





CAUTION: If the Monitor 3 Air transmitter is not attached to a first-stage regulator while soaking (explained below), make sure that water is not allowed to enter the high pressure inlet. Water entering the transmitter may cause damage to the internal components.

After each day of diving, soak the Monitor 3 Air in a warm, fresh water bath to dissolve salt crystals. To dissolve heavy salt buildup, use a slightly acidic vinegar/water bath. After removing the computer from the bath, rinse thoroughly with fresh water. Towel dry the computer before final storage. Place the Monitor 3 Air in a cool, dry and protective case to transport.

The transmitter should be rinsed at the same time the regulator is rinsed. Make sure the transmitter is attached to the first-stage. Connect the first-stage to a charged SCUBA cylinder. Turn on the cylinder valve and submerge the whole regulator/tank system in a bath of water. By applying pressure to the regulator, you absolutely prevent any water from entering the regulator and transmitter.

Factory service was discontinued in 1997. Please contact the original manufacturer, Uwatec, at 800-467-2822.


Image 58 A&D 2 Plus owner manual Care & Maintenance
Contents Page Copyright Notice Safety Considerations Guidelines for Using the Monitor 3 Air Page Table of Contents Memory Mode Page What is a Dive Computer IntroductionIntroduction Features of the Monitor 3 Air Computer ScreenMonitor 3 Air display zones and contact letter designations Transmitter This section Attaching the Transmitter to Your Regulator StepPairing the Wrist Unit to the Transmitter Preparation Preparation Using the Monitor 3 Air Without the Transmitter Checking the Battery PowerThis section Preparation for the Dive Diving with the Monitor 3 Air Functions During the Dive Current DepthDive Time Maximum DepthAscent Rate Ascent Rate DisplayNo-Stop Time Antenna Symbol No-stop time at Minutes remainingGraphic Air Time Remaining ATR Digital Air Time Remaining ATRHigh Air Consumption Warning Decompression Stop Information SOS Mode Total Ascent TimeFunctions at the Surface Surface Mode Surface mode iconUpon surfacing Wait-to-fly Time Wait-to-fly RecommendationsDesaturation Time Surface Interval TimeMicrobubble Warning Diving at Altitude Altitude sectorsExceeding the Altitude Limit Summary of Attention Messages and Alarms Altitude diveLost transmission after 40 seconds Alarms Low computer battery Activating Memory Mode Scrolling through logged dives Overview Downloading the Memory to a PCMemory Mode From Ready Mode or Surface Mode, touch ActivationExiting Memory Mode Scrolling through Logged DivesMemory Mode This section Ready Mode Activation from Ready-ModeMaximum allowable no-stop time at that depth Activation from Surface Mode Surface ModeIncrease Time Decrease Time Planning a Decompression Dive Step Pre-Dive Planning Mode Page Care Before the Dive Care During the DiveCare & Maintenance Operating Temperature Replacing the BatteryPage Technical Specifications Operational Performance No-Decompression ModelWorkload and Temperature ZH-L8 ADT Calculation ModelSummary