Pride Mobility Jazzy 1113 owner manual System Status Light, Magnetic Locking Area

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V I I I . O P E R A T I O N

On/Off Key

The on/offkeytogglesthesystempoweronandoff.

WARNING! Unless faced with an emergency situation, do not use the on/off key to stop the chair. This will cause the power chair to stop abruptly.

WARNING! Always turn the power off when you are stationary to prevent unexpected movement.

NOTE: If the joystick is not in the neutral (center) position when you turn on the power, you may cause a fault in the system. See “Out Of Neutral At Power Up.”

System Status Light

Thesystemstatuslightisnormallyonwhenthesystemispowered up, and off when the system is powered down. It will also flash troublecodeswhenthesystemdetectsafault.See“TroubleCodes.”

Magnetic Locking Area

Your power chair is equipped with a feature that enables you to


Figure 32. Europa Master Remote Keypad






To enable the lockout system:

1. Holdthemagnetickeyonornearthekeysymbol.Thesystemwillbeepandautomaticallyturnoff.

NOTE: None of the remote lights should be lit.

2.Presstheon/offkeytoturnonthepowerchair.Thekeysymbolwillflash,butyouwillnotbeabletodriveyourpowerchair. Thismeansthatitisstilllocked.

3.Holdthemagnetickeyonornearthekeysymbolagaintounlockthesystem.Whenthekeysymbolstopsflashing,youmay turnonthepowerchair.

NOTE: If you turn on the power chair while it is locked and don’t unlock it after one minute, the power chair will automatically turn off itself.

Battery Condition Meter

Thebatteryconditionmeterconsistsofsixlightsarrangedinanarcoverthebatteryicon.Fromlefttoright,thefirsttwoarered, the second two are orange and the last two are green. These lights give you an accurate indication of your usable battery


US Jazzy 1113/Rev I/Feb03

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Contents Exeter, PA St. Catharines, on F E T Y G U I D E L I N E S N T E N T S Introduction N T R O D U C T I O NInformation Exchange Pride Owners Club My Authorized Pride Provider IsS a F E T Y Pre-Ride Safety CheckModifications Tire Inflation Weight LimitationsIncline Information Braking Information Cornering InformationOutdoor Driving Surfaces Freewheel ModeStationary Obstacles Steps, Curbs, etc Public Streets and Roadways Stairs and Escalators DoorsElevators EMI & RFITransfers Motor Vehicle TransportPositioning Belts Inclement Weather Precautions Reaching and Bending BatteriesAlcohol Removable PartsEMI/RFI-FREQUENTLY Asked Questions Faqs Where do radio waves come from?Are all power chairs susceptible to EMI? What is the FDA doing about the problem?What should I do if my power chair moves unexpectedly? T H E J a Z Z Y 1 1 1 JazzySpecifications Power Base Back View Power Base Assembly Manual Freewheel Levers To engage or disengage the drive motorsI S a S S E M B L Y To disassemble the JazzyTo remove the battery well frame To remove the footrestTo disconnect the controller To remove the seatTo disassemble the right frame assembly from the front frame To disassemble the left frame assembly from the front frameSeat Height and Angle C O M F O R T a D J U S T M E N T SArmrest Width Armrest Height Optional Armrest AngleController Extension Footrest Height Controller PositionFootrest Angle To adjust the anti-tip wheels Anti-Tip Wheel AdjustmentANTI-TIP Wheels I . a S S E M B L Y Frame AssembliesTo install the battery cases To install the battery well frameTo install the seat To mount the footrest Versa Seat or Versa Tilt OptionTo connect the controller I I . O P E R a T I O N VSI ControllerJoystick KeypadOn/Off Key Battery Condition MeterSpeed/Profile Keys Controller Connector Pin Charger Inhibit ConnectorActuator Key and Actuator Lights for optional equipment Horn KeyTroubleshooting VSI Error CodesRemote Plus Controller Remote Plus Master RemoteMode Key Speed Setting IndicatorPower Accessory Indicator Right/Left Turn Indicator KeysSpeed Settings Power AccessoriesOff-board Charger Socket Controller Communications CablePower Module Sleep ModeActuator Lighting Module Not Shown Trouble CodesDX Controller Out Of Neutral At Power UpEuropa Master Remote System Status Light To enable the lockout systemMagnetic Locking Area Drive Mode andActuator Display also Remote Status Display Battery Saver FeatureDrive Program Select Key TochangethedrivemodeprogramSleep Mode If Enabled Fault CodesTo charge the batteries by using the onboard charger B a T T E R I E S a N D C H a R G I N GBatteries and Charging Charging Your BatteriesBattery BREAK-IN Can I use a different battery charger?How often must I charge the batteries? Daily UseWhat type of battery should I use? Battery SpecificationsWhy do my new batteries seem weak? How can I get maximum range or distance per charge?How can I ensure maximum battery life? How should I store my Jazzy 1113 and batteries?What about public transportation? What about shipping?Routine Maintenance TemperatureA R E a N D M a I N T E N a N C E Should your Jazzy 1113 come in contact with waterWeekly Checks Daily ChecksTo check the brakes Cleaning Precautions To calibrate the joystick Remote Plus onlyMonthly Checks Yearly ChecksTires and Tubes Drive WheelBattery Replacement To replace the batteriesMotor Brushes Corrective MaintenanceTo inspect or replace the motor brushes O P T I O N a L a C C E S S O R I E S SWING-AWAY Joystick Bracket Elevating LEG RestsSWING-AWAY Foot Rests Specialty Seating SystemsI . W a R R a N T Y Warranty Exclusions Damage caused byT E S T E S US Jazzy 1113/Rev I/Feb03 Quality Control-Model Pride keeps a more detailed report on file at the factory