Braun 5634, 5635 manual English, Description, Charging the shaver, Shaving, Switch positions

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Our products are designed to meet the highest standards of quality, function- ality and design. We hope you enjoy your new Braun shaver.


Keep the appliance dry.

For safety reasons, periodically check the cord for damage and replace it.

1 Description


Foil protection cap




Shaver foil


3775 model: Dual function light:


InterFace trimmer


charging (green)/low charge (red)


Cutter block


3770 model: Charging light (green)


Release button


Shaver socket


Pop-out long hair trimmer



2 Charging the shaver

When charging for the first time: Connect the shaver to the mains and charge it for at least 4 hours (switch position «off»). Then shave without the cord until the batteries are fully discharged. Then recharge to full capacity again (subsequent charges will take about 1 hour).

The green charging light shows that the shaver is being charged. When the rechargeable battery is fully charged, the charging light goes off. If later on, the charging light comes on again, this indicates that the shaver is being recharged to maintain its full capacity.

3775 model: The red low-charge light glows when the battery capacity has dropped below 20%, provided the shaver is switched on. The remaining capacity will then be sufficient for 1 to 2 shaves.

A full charge will give up to 30 minutes of cordless shaving time depending on your beard growth. However, the maximum battery capacity will only be reached after several charging/discharging cycles. Best environmental tem- perature range for charging is 15 °C to 35 °C.

Wattage: 4 Watts

Voltage range during charging: 12–240 V2/ 50 or 60 Hz (automatic adaptation)

3 Shaving

3.1 Switch positions



Switch is locked.

foil shave


Shaver foil only.

combi shave

= Combination shave (InterFace trimmer works in tandem



with the shaver foil to first cut the longer problem hairs,



which then allows the foil to shave the shorter hairs even



closer) (b).


= The long hair trimmer is activated (for trimming sideburns,



moustache and beard) (c).


Image 7
Contents InterFace Excel Internet 00 800 BrauninfolineOil Rasieren DeutschProduktbeschreibung Aufladen des RasierersSo halten Sie Ihren Rasierer in Bestform Garantie UmweltschutzCharging the shaver Switch positionsEnglish DescriptionKeeping your shaver in top shape Environmental notice GuaranteeFor UK only Précautions FrançaisMise en charge du rasoir RasageConseils d’utilisation pour un rasage parfait Remplacement des pièces de rasageMaintenir le rasoir au meilleur de sa forme Rasage avec le cordon d’alimentationMaintenir la batterie en bon état Respect de l’environnementClause spéciale pour la France Afeitado EspañolDescripción Procedimiento de carga de la bateríaLimpieza Mantenga su afeitadora en óptimo estadoAfeitado con cabler Recomendaciones para un perfecto afeitadoSolo para España Noticia medioambientalMantenimiento de la batería GarantíaBarbear PortuguêsDescrição Processo de carregar a bateriaLimpeza Mantenha a Máquina no seu perfeito estadoBarbear com cabo Conselhos para um barbear perfeitoSó para Portugal Informação ecológicaManutenção das baterias recarregáveis GarantiaRasatura ItalianoDescrizione Ricaricare il rasoioPulizia Come mantenere il vostro rasoio in condizioni perfetteRasatura a rete Consigli per una rasatura perfettaPer proteggere le batterie ricaricabili Tutela dell’ambienteGaranzia Scheren NederlandsOmschrijving Het scheerapparaat opladenReiniging Uw scheerappayraat in topconditie houdenScheren via het snoer Tips voor een perfect scheerresultaatDe oplaadbare accu in goede staat houden Mededeling ter bescherming van het milieuBarbering DanskBeskrivelse Opladning af shaverenHold shaveren i tip-top stand Garanti Miljømæssige oplysningerLading av barbermaskinen NorskBryterposisjoner Bytte av skjærende deler Holde barbermaskinen i topp standTips for den perfekte barbering RengjøringMiljøhensyn Att raka SvenskaBeskrivning Ladda rakapparatenRengöring Rengöring och bibehållandeRakning med sladd Tips för ett perfekt rakresultatBibehållande av battericellen Skydda miljönParranajo SuomiLaitteen osat Parranajokoneen lataaminenPuhdistus Näin pidät parranajokoneesi huippukunnossaVerkkovirralla ajo Vinkkejä täydelliseen parranajoonAkkujen käyttöiän pidentäminen Ympäristöseikkoihin liittyviä tietojaTakuu ∂raµ olma TürkçeTan∂mlamalar ∂raµ Makinesini Ωarj EdilmesiTemizleme ∂raµ makinenizin ömrünü uzatmak içinKablolu kullan∂m Mükemmel t∂raµ için ipuçlar∂Doldurulabilen pillerin korunmas∂ Çevre ile ilgili duyuru∂ÏÏËÓÈο ‡ÚÈÛÌ· ËÌ›ˆÛË ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ÚÔÛÙ·Û›· ÙÔ˘ ÂÚÈß¿ÏÏÔÓÙÔ˜ ∂ÁÁ‡ËÛË Australia Danmark Morocco USA