The aid of an attendant stabilizing the wheelchair is recommended for optimum safety. Wheelchair passengers who intend to enter and exit their Rampvan without the assistance of an attendant must determine the safest and most practical method and orientation of entering and exiting the Rampvan based on the physical characteristics of their personal wheelchair and his or her physical capabilities to maintain stability while the wheelchair is in motion on the Rampvan ramp.
:KHHOFKDLU$WWHQGDQWV When assisting a wheelchair occupant, remember to use good body mechanics. When the wheelchair is on the ramp, the attendant must grasp the push handles (or other) securely. Detachable wheelchair parts such as arms or leg rests must never be used for hand holds or lifting supports. Doing so could result in the detachable parts being inadvertently detached from the wheelchair UHVXOWLQJLQSRVVLEOHLQMXU\WR
:KHHOFKDLU2ULHQWDWLRQDQG6HFXUHPHQW'XULQJ Transport: The wheelchair and occupant must face the front of the vehicle and must be secured using the
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