Braun 32899 Rev A manual Features, OHFWURPHFKDQLFDO3RZHU

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2QH7RXFK(OHFWURQLF&RQWURO System: The Rampvan One- Touch electronic control system provides simple one-touch activa- tion of all Rampvan power fea- tures. For your convenience, the control system can be activated using the Toyota remote key- less entry transmitter, any of the interior mounted control switches or the optional magnetic entry (control switch photos and details are provided on pages 10-13).

3RZHU3DVVHQJHU6LGH6OLGLQJ Door: The One-Touch elec- tronic control system activates the Toyota passenger side power slide door for ramp access. The slide

GRRUDQGORZHUHGÁRRUFRQÀJXUD- tion provides 54-1/4" clear vertical passageway. Note: The driver- side sliding door is lowered to provide clear passage also.

Ramp: Fully automatic power ramp is available in 29 1/2" us- able width.


.QHHOLQJ5HDU6XVSHQVLRQ “Kneeling” is the lowering motion of the electromechanical rear suspension. The kneel feature reduces the slope of the ramp when deployed.

/RZHUHG)ORRUIURP5HDU$[OH WR)LUHZDOO This feature pro- vides additional headroom (59" ÁRRUWRFHLOLQJDWFHQWHURIYDQ  and further reduces the slope of the ramp when deployed. Car- peting is featured throughout the


Ground Effects: Exterior color- matched ground effect panels con-


)RUZDUG)DFLQJ:KHHOFKDLUDQG 2FFXSDQW%HOW7UDFN6\VWHP One Forward-Facing Wheelchair and Occupant Belt Kit is supplied for the restraint of one wheelchair and occupant. The belt kit is used LQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKWKHÁRRUWUDFN Note: Additional belt kits can be purchased (option).

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Contents Operators Manual Congratulations Contents Warranty and Registration Instructions Business Reply MailBraun Rampvan lowered IntroductionPower Operation Rampvan Operation Quick Reference GuideRampvan Operation Overview 2QH7RXFK&RQWURO$FWLYDWLRQRamp unfolds Allowing easy entrance Sliding door opens5DPSYDQ&RXOGQҋW Features OHFWURPHFKDQLFDO3RZHUBy your local mobility dealer Driver’s seat is available With quick-release seat atIng headroom is provided at Both front seating positions Track providedSafety Precautions 6DIHW\6\PEROV Safety FIRST! Know ThatSURSHUW\GDPDJH 5HFRJQLHWKHVHULRXVQHVVRIWKLVLQIRUPDWLRQ2QH7RXFK&RQWURO6\VWHP Operation7HUPLQRORJ\ Operation RQWURO6ZLWFKHV HQWHU&RQVROH6ZLWFK3LOODU6ZLWFK Operation 2YHUKHDG&RQVROH6ZLWFKOperation 6OLGHRRU2II6ZLWFK QHHO2Q2II6ZLWFKOperation 0DJQHWLFQWU\ Magnetic entry is offered as anOperation 5DPS$FFHVV6OLGLQJRRU SURSHUW\GDPDJH Qhho 2Q2II SwitchOperation $XWRPDWLF.QHHO6\VWHP QHHO2YHUULGHHDWXUHV QHHO0HFKDQLFDO2YHUULGH Power Ramp Operation UHVXOWLQGDPDJHKeep clear of area in which ramp operates 3RZHU5DPS0DQXDO2SHUDWLRQ Ramp Safety Position and fastenBe aware of ramp slope WKHZKHHOFKDLURFFXSDQWDQGRUWKHDWWHQGDQW Wheelchair and Occupant Restraint Belts are equipped with one 1RSURGXFWGHYHORSHGWheelchair and Occupant Restraint 5HVWUDLQW%HOW$QJOHV HHSHULWWLQJDQG´/µ7UDFN$WWDFKPHQW InstructionsLift plunger Keeper Over-center Buckle Belt Track Keeper attachment details are provided on See Photo H Repeat procedures for opposite side beltPull loose end of belt until tight see Photo G Rear Over-Center HOW$WWDFKPHQWVRefer to Photos P-S Position and connect the adjustable Front Seats In an effort to pro Seat Removal and InstallationWhen seats are removed, secure Disconnect seat When removing seats, the seatScrew-on Connectors TOP Front Seat Bases Quick-release seat base attachZLULQJKDUQHVV before Ers supports. a release handleEngage rear strikers. Push Illustrations depict seat base onlyThird Row Power Seat Operation Seat Stow Feature is DisabledThis switch To Fold and Return Seat Back7KLUG5RZ3RZHU6HDW5HPRYDODQG,QVWDOODWLRQ Pull seat base back to disengage Seat Removal and Installation 7KLUG5RZ3RZHU6HDW5HPRYDOSee Figures a and B Lift rear of seat. See Figure B 7KLUG5RZ3RZHU6HDW,QVWDOODWLRQ Position seat engage front seatSee Figure D. Caution Do not Lift rear of seat and connect seatSeat assembly gas spring to Pull the to STOW/USE strap atPull strap at the bottom DUHIXOO\ remove seatQVWDOOVHDWVDV Warranty Years/Miles in Service Specific Area CoveredCorrosion Warranty Years or 36,000 MilesWarranty Return Authorization Procedure Support will issue a Return Material AuthorizationRMA number and detail the procedures required for Braun Corporation Product Support DepartmentPreventive Maintenance Maintenance 5HIHUWRWKH7R\RWDVXSSOLHGPDQXDOIRUWLUH Reporting Safety Defects 5HSRUWLQJ6DIHW\HIHFWVWRWKHUnited States Government CorporationBelow Floor Obstructions HORZORRU2EVWUXFWLRQV GDPDJHColor Key Below Floor ObstructionsTowing 7RZLQJZLWKD5DPSYDQ If your Rampvan Needs TowedProviding Access to the World Operators Manual