Whenever parking your Rampvan and before utilizing Rampvan features, always engage the ve- hicle transmission in Park “P” and engage the vehicle parking brake. The vehicle transmission must be engaged in Park “P,” before operating the Rampvan automatic features. Rampvan power func- tion control switches cannot be activated if the vehicle transmis- sion is not in Park.
“Kneeling” is the lowering motion of the Rampvan electromechanical rear suspension. The term “De- ploy” indicates the lowering motion of the ramp to the deployed posi- tion. “Stow” is the raising motion of the ramp to the vertical (stowed) position.
The terms “Open” and “Close” refer to sequences of power func- tions that will occur when acti- vated by the
Rampvan power functions are managed by a
Do not attempt to interface aftermarket control systems.
The Braun Corporation manufac- tures dedicated control systems for its products. These control systems have been designed and tested for use in conjunction ZLWKVSHFLÀF%UDXQSURGXFWV Braun control systems are the RQO\ control systems authorized for use with Braun products.
Do not attempt to interface after- market control systems without authorization from The Braun Corporation. To do so may
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