Braun 32899 Rev A manual Seat Removal and Installation, Front Seats In an effort to pro

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Front Seats: In an effort to pro-

GXFHYHKLFOHVWKDWFDQEHFRQÀJ- ured to meet a variety of customer needs, the driver and passenger seat bases have been designed so they may be removed. This feature allows the owner and sales representative to determine the appropriate seating arrangement to accommodate owner needs.






Once the desired seat arrange- ment is determined, all power seat electrical harnesses must be re-


Rampvan front seats are equipped with quick-release seat attach- ments (making seat removal and installation procedures simple). The quick-release front seats are installed and removed as de- tailed on pages 38 and 39 of this manual.

Power Seats: Rampvan front seats are equipped with electrical wiring harnesses to accommo- date optional equipment such as heated seats, air bags, etc. Be-


When seats are removed, secure


When positioning seats, it is your UHVSRQVLELOLW\ to reconnect all seat electrical harnesses. Failure to properly connect power seat electrical harnesses may result in power seat functions being disabled and/or the air bag light illuminating.

Contact your sales representa- tive or call The Braun Corporation at 1-800-THE LIFT® if any of this information is not understood.

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Contents Operators Manual Congratulations Contents Business Reply Mail Warranty and Registration InstructionsIntroduction Braun Rampvan loweredRampvan Operation Quick Reference Guide Power OperationRampvan Operation Overview 2QH7RXFK&RQWURO$FWLYDWLRQ5DPSYDQ&RXOGQҋW Sliding door opensRamp unfolds Allowing easy entrance OHFWURPHFKDQLFDO3RZHU FeaturesWith quick-release seat at By your local mobility dealer Driver’s seat is availableIng headroom is provided at Both front seating positions Track providedSafety FIRST! Know That Safety Precautions 6DIHW\6\PEROVSURSHUW\GDPDJH 5HFRJQLHWKHVHULRXVQHVVRIWKLVLQIRUPDWLRQ7HUPLQRORJ\ Operation2QH7RXFK&RQWURO6\VWHP HQWHU&RQVROH6ZLWFK Operation RQWURO6ZLWFKHVOperation 2YHUKHDG&RQVROH6ZLWFK 3LOODU6ZLWFKQHHO2Q2II6ZLWFK Operation 6OLGHRRU2II6ZLWFKMagnetic entry is offered as an Operation 0DJQHWLFQWU\Operation 5DPS$FFHVV6OLGLQJRRU SURSHUW\GDPDJH Operation $XWRPDWLF.QHHO6\VWHP 2Q2II SwitchQhho QHHO2YHUULGHHDWXUHV QHHO0HFKDQLFDO2YHUULGH UHVXOWLQGDPDJH Power Ramp OperationKeep clear of area in which ramp operates 3RZHU5DPS0DQXDO2SHUDWLRQ Position and fasten Ramp SafetyBe aware of ramp slope WKHZKHHOFKDLURFFXSDQWDQGRUWKHDWWHQGDQW Wheelchair and Occupant Restraint 1RSURGXFWGHYHORSHG Belts are equipped with oneWheelchair and Occupant Restraint HHSHULWWLQJDQG´/µ7UDFN$WWDFKPHQW Instructions 5HVWUDLQW%HOW$QJOHVLift plunger Keeper Over-center Buckle Belt Track Keeper attachment details are provided on Pull loose end of belt until tight see Photo G Repeat procedures for opposite side beltSee Photo H HOW$WWDFKPHQWV Rear Over-CenterRefer to Photos P-S Position and connect the adjustable When seats are removed, secure Seat Removal and InstallationFront Seats In an effort to pro Screw-on Connectors When removing seats, the seatDisconnect seat TOP Quick-release seat base attach Front Seat BasesZLULQJKDUQHVV before Ers supports. a release handleIllustrations depict seat base only Engage rear strikers. PushSeat Stow Feature is Disabled Third Row Power Seat OperationThis switch To Fold and Return Seat Back7KLUG5RZ3RZHU6HDW5HPRYDODQG,QVWDOODWLRQ See Figures a and B Lift rear of seat. See Figure B Seat Removal and Installation 7KLUG5RZ3RZHU6HDW5HPRYDOPull seat base back to disengage Position seat engage front seat 7KLUG5RZ3RZHU6HDW,QVWDOODWLRQSee Figure D. Caution Do not Lift rear of seat and connect seatPull the to STOW/USE strap at Seat assembly gas spring toPull strap at the bottom DUHIXOO\ remove seatQVWDOOVHDWVDV Years/Miles in Service Specific Area Covered WarrantyYears or 36,000 Miles Corrosion WarrantyWarranty Support will issue a Return Material Authorization Return Authorization ProcedureRMA number and detail the procedures required for Braun Corporation Product Support DepartmentPreventive Maintenance Maintenance 5HIHUWRWKH7R\RWDVXSSOLHGPDQXDOIRUWLUH 5HSRUWLQJ6DIHW\HIHFWVWRWKH Reporting Safety DefectsUnited States Government CorporationGDPDJH Below Floor Obstructions HORZORRU2EVWUXFWLRQVBelow Floor Obstructions Color KeyIf your Rampvan Needs Towed Towing 7RZLQJZLWKD5DPSYDQProviding Access to the World Operators Manual