2.9 Polarization contrast
Figure 10. Analyzer for polarization contrast imaging
Figure 11. Polarizer
For polarization contrast microscopy, an analyzer (a polarizing filter) is inserted in the light path by pushing it all the way in (Figure 10), and another polarizing filter (polarizer) is placed labeled side upwards in a holder below the condenser (Figure 11). The round polarizer is on the shelf above the microscope.
To cross the polarizing filters, remove your sample and turn the round polarizer until the maximum extinction position is reached, i.e. the view in the oculars is as dark as possible.
2.10 Filters
On the right side of the microscope, there are controls for three filters (Figure 12):
∙DLF: a blue daylight filter which was mainly used for photography with daylight film
∙NI6: a grey (neutral density) filter that attenuates light to 6.25 % transmission without interfering color