1 General user information
Leica DM LB research microscope is only for the Molecular Cancer Biology (MCBP) and
Reservations for the microscope are made through the Scheduler. Access to the reservation system and instructions for its use are at MIU web page: http://www.miu.helsinki.fi/reservations.htm. MIU website has information about the instruments available, sample preparation, imaging techniques etc. Every user of instruments maintained by MIU is expected to be familiar with the information on the MIU user info web page: http://www.miu.helsinki.fi/userinfo.htm. In particular, if you use any MIU instruments or services for your publication, you are expected to acknowledge MIU.
2 Settings for transmitted light microscopy
2.1 Turning on the microscope
Turn on the microscope by using a switch located on the
Figure 1. Power switch (red circle) and brightness control for halogen lamp (red arrow)
2.2 XY-stage
Move the specimen stage in the