Saving Functions, Procedures and Appointments
Step by Step
US: End? |
UK: Exit? |
or |
US: Program another key? |
UK: Another key? |
Program/Service |
*46=Timed reminder on? |
or |
qhj |
o |
If necessary for k |
One time only? |
or |
Daily? |
US: Save? |
UK: Save entry? |
Select and confirm.
Select the stored procedure by pressing a key. Procedures containing functions which can be switched on/off can be activated by pressing the key, and deactivated by pressing the same key again.
You can also press a procedure key during a call. The stored digits are automatically sent as DTMF signals Æ Page 52.
Appointments Function
You can tell your telephone to give you a call when you want to be reminded of an appointment Æ Page 62. To do this, you need to save the time you want the call to be made. You can enter a single appointment that will take place in the next twenty four hours, or you can en- ter a daily recurring appointment.
Saving Appointments
Press the key. The LED lights up.
Enter the code.
Enter a
If the selected language is "US English" (configure
ÆPage 28) you can enter the code 2 for "am" or 7 for "pm" (standard = "am").
Select and confirm.