8423 Hub Phone 1020 Iss.3 [1] 12/10/07 12:26 Page 57 Hub Phone 1020 – Issue 3 – Edition 1 – – 8423
Time settings 57
Enter the login information: username admin; password admin
Click CONFIGURE in the horizontal menu on the right Tick the
Under TIME SERVER 1, type ntp.homehub.btopenworld.com Click APPLY.
5.Your Hub is now set to the correct time.
You can use your BT Hub Phone 1020 handset as an alarm clock. You can set a single alarm. When an alarm is set the icon will be displayed when in standby mode.
To set an alarm
1.Press Menu to access the menu.
2.Press or
to scroll and display TIME SETTINGS and press OK
Remember to ensure your time is set correctly in the hub as per the instructions in section,'Setting
the time'.