4.3 View Details
You can use the following procedure to view a number of phone details. These are in addition to the other static address and local administration options which can also be used to review settings.
1.While the phone is
∙To display the set of details, press * at any time during viewing.
∙To end the procedure and restore the user interface to its previous state, press #.
2.A sequence of values are displayed. The values available may vary between phone models and the level of IP phone software installed on the phone. To display the next value press *. To exit the information display press #.
Shows the phones model number; for example, 4624D02A.
Shows 1 for export or 0 for domestic (US). Not displayed on all phone types.
∙Phone SN
Shows the phone's Serial Number.
Shows the phone's Printed Wiring Board Serial Number.
∙PWB comcode
Shows the PWB's comcode.
∙MAC address
Shows the phone's MAC address as paired hexadecimal numbers.
∙L2 tagging
Indicates whether L2 tagging is on, off or set to auto.
The VLAN ID used for the phone. The default is 0.
∙IP address
The IP address assigned to the phone.
∙Subnet mask
The subnet mask assigned to the phone.
The router address assigned to the phone.
∙File server
The address of the file server assigned to the phone.
∙Call server
The address of the phone's H323 Gatekeeper.
The current setting for 802.1X operation if being used.
This displays the group value set on the phone. Group values can be used to control which options (both firmware and settings) a phone downloads. Refer to the 4600 Series Phones LAN Administrator Guide.
∙Protocol Display Default.
Shows the name of the phone application file in the phone's memory. These are values from within the boot file loaded and not the actual file name.
∙10MBps Ethernet or 100Mbps Ethernet Shows the speed of the detected LAN connection.
Shows the boot file name and level. These are values from within the boot file loaded and not the actual file name.
H323 Install | Page 52 |
IP Office 4.2 |