61200375L1-1 TA 850 T1 RCU VoATM UIG/61200376L2-31A
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Stop Bits
This is the stop bit used for the maintenance port. The possible values are 1 (def), 1.5 or 2.
>Network Time
The TA 850 unit time can be entered manually from the SYSTEM INFO menu, or the unit can receive time from an NTP/ SNTP server. The NETWORK TIME menu includes all parameters relating to how the unit communicates with the time server.
Server Type
The server type defines which port the TA 850 will listen on to receive timing information from the time server.
NT Time
The TA 850 will receive time from an NT server running SNTP software on its TIME port.
The TA 850 will receive time directly from an SNTP server.
This network timing feature can be turned on and off. It determines whether the unit will request and receive time from a time server.
Time Zone
There are several time zones available for the time to be displayed in. All time zones are based off of Green- wich Mean Time (GMT).
Adjust for Daylight Saving
Since some areas of the world use Daylight Savings Time, the TA 850 is designed to adjust the time on the first Sunday in April and the last Sunday in October accordingly if this option is turned on.
Host Address
This is the IP address of the time server that the TA 850 will request and receive time from.
This is the interval of time between each request the TA 850 sends out to the time server. A smaller refresh time guarantees that the unit receives the correct time from the server and corrects possible errors more quickly, but it is more taxing on the machine. A range of refresh times is available for the user to decide which is best for their unit.
This displays the current status of the time negotiation process. If an error is displayed, check all connections and configurations to try to resolve the problem.
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