Message Waiting Light Indicator
The SpectrumPLUSTM telephone has a Message Waiting (MW) Light Indicator (figure 1). The indicator will blink to indicate that a new message is in the user’s voice mailbox. The Spectrum- PLUSTM supports the following telephone or PBX supplied message waiting signals:
1.Telephone Company VMWI Service (FSK sig- nal compatible, subscription to local tele- phone company is required).*
2.Audible Stutter Dial Tone (SDT) signals provided by local telephone company.
4.Low voltage LED message waiting light indi- cator signal is provide by your PBX.
The PBX system or telephone service provider has to activate the voice mail feature for the light to illuminate and work properly. Be sure that your telephone service provider or PBX system has the compatible messaging service available in your area or facility.
MW Light Indicator |
figure 1 |
| NOTE: | The S p e c t r u m P L U S T M |
| ||
! |
| telephone | automatically reads the |
| Message | Waiting (MW) signals |
| |
| supplied by your service provider. |
| |
*Definition: VMWI is Visual Message Waiting Indication. This option requires a subscription to your local telephone service provider for TouchLiteTM to activate.
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