Important safety instructions
Pr�ecaut�ions for� user�s of implant�ed card�iac pacemaker�s
Cardiac pacemakers (applies only to 900 MHz digital cordless telephones): Wireless Technology Research, LLC (WTR), an inde- pendent research entity, led a multidisciplinary evaluation of the interference between portable wireless telephones and implant- ed cardiac pacemakers. Supported by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, WTR had recommended to physicians that:
Pacemaker� pat�ient�s
•Should keep wireless phones at least six inches from the pace- maker.
•Should NOT place wireless phones directly over the pacemaker, such as in a breast pocket, when it is turned ON.
•Should use the wireless phone at the ear opposite the pace- maker.
WTR’s evaluation did not identify any risk to bystanders with pacemakers from other persons using wireless phones.
Especially about� t�elephones answer�ing syst�ems