2Click the Find button.
The Find dialog box appears. Use the Find dialog box to find a caller’s name in the database.
3In the Name box, type the first letter or letters of the caller’s last name.
If the caller’s first name is used instead of their last name, type the first letter or letters of the caller’s first name.
4Click the OK button or press the Enter key. The Find dialog box closes.
5Any matching names appear in the Name list box of the Edit Caller Information dialog box. If there is more than one name, a list appears below the Name box.
6Click the caller name you want to edit.
The information about the caller appears in the Edit Caller Information dialog box.
To edit a caller’s record:
1Make sure the caller name you want to edit appears in the Edit Caller Information dialog box. Click the box you want to edit and make the change. Repeat if needed.
2Click the Save button to save the changes to the database.
3Click the Close button to close the Edit Caller Information dialog box.
Note: If you answer a call and then open the Edit Caller Information dialog box without first selecting a name from the Name box list, you must click the Edit button twice.
To delete a caller record:
1In the Attendant Console window, in the Caller Information options, click the Edit button. The Edit Caller Information dialog box appears.
2Make sure the caller name you want to delete appears.
3Click the Delete Caller button.
The record that appears in the Edit Caller Information dialog box is deleted from the database.
Maintaining employee information
When Attendant Console is installed, employee information is provided by the Business Communications Manager base unit. This information appears in the Directory list box in the bottom center of the Attendant Console window.
The Directory list box has four tabs that display lists of employees. They are the Full, BLF (Busy Lamp Field), Assigned and Selected tabs. For further information, refer to “Search and edit functions in the Directory options” on page 37.