58Chapter 5 Advanced Troubleshooting
Note: In this example, the dialing plan is configured for a CDP Network with the recommended minimum 4 digit Private DN length
Example 3: IP set is not registering with the BCM450
When an IP set cannot register with the BCM450, you may notice the following problem in your network:
•the IP set is not registered and repeatedly tries to connect to the BCM450
If an IP phone is not registering with the BCM450, there are three possible causes:
•there are not enough licenses for the number of IP phones connected to the system
•the number of IP sets connected exceeds the maximum; the maximum is 300
•the phone is not correctly configured
Verify that the number of phones does not exceed the number of licenses. If there are too many phones for the number of licenses, disconnect any unneccesary phones, or increase the number of licenses.
If the number of IP sets connected to the BCM450 exceeds the maximum number of 300, it is possible that after a system reboot, not all of the 300 supported sets will be able to register. To resolve this problem, refer to the procedure Troubleshooting example 3a on page 59.