To reject the call
When the phone rings, press Reject to switch the call directly to your voicemail service.
If your Broadband Talk service is unavailable when you try to make a call, BT Broadband unavailable will be displayed. This lets you know that calls you make will be over the standard phone line.
You can make calls as normal using the standard line after this warning screen has switched off. Or, select the PSTN line manually by pressing 5 then dialling the number as normal. As the call is routed via the standard line service different charges may apply.
Handsfree calling
Handsfree lets you talk to your caller without holding the handset. It also enables other people in the room to listen to both sides of your conversation.
To make a handsfree call
1Press twice. When you hear the dial tone, dial the number. When Handsfree is active, the
icon is displayed.
To switch to handsfree during a call
1During a call, press to switch between the handset and handsfree.
Press Up or Down during the call to adjust the volume of the caller’s voice.
To use a headset, plug the jack into the connector on the side of the handset, (see page 22).