If you select an already full slot, you are asked if you want to replace the existing number. Press Yes to confirm.
Contact list options
To delete a Contact
1Press Contacts. Highlight the contact you want to delete and press Select.
2Scroll to Delete contact and press Select. Then press Yes to confirm or No to cancel.
To select shared or handset only Contacts List
Select whether the Contacts on your handset are shared between all handsets registered to the Hub or exclusive to your handset only.
You can store 150 shared contacts but only up to 50 handset only contacts.
1Press Contacts. With any contact highlighted, press Select.
2Scroll down to Contact List and press Select.
3Highlight Shared or Handset and press Select to confirm.
To check the memory status
See how much capacity is available for more Contacts.
1Press Contacts. With any contact highlighted, press Options.
2Scroll down to Memory status and press Select.
Memory full alert: when the Contacts memory is full, if you try to add a new entry, the display shows Contacts List memory full.