What do I need to know about my BT Broadband Talk bill? Broadband Talk can be added to your existing phone bill.
If you have your calls itemised, any calls you make using BT Broadband Talk will be listed in a separate section on your bill. However, you won’t see any charges if you’ve the inclusive Evening and Weekend package and only made Broadband Talk calls to UK landlines between 6pm and 6am or at weekends. Please note that you’ll be charged for calls to excluded numbers (mobile, premium rate or international).
How can I direct my landline calls to my Hub Phone? You can easily make incoming calls to your landline phone ring on your Hub Phone. Simply go to your Hub Manager at http://bthomehub.home and change your settings on the telephones page.
How can I make outgoing calls on my BT Broadband Talk phone using my standard phone line number?
Simply dial 5 and then the number you want to call. After dialling 5 you must wait for a different dial tone from the one you normally use with BT Broadband Talk before dialling a number. Please remember: if you do this you won’t be taking advantage of BT Broadband Talk call rates.
How can I set up the 1571 voicemail service on my Hub Phone?
If you didn’t order the 1571 voicemail service when ordering BT Broadband Talk, you can set it up by logging in (see note below) to your BT Broadband Talk account at www.bt.com/broadbandtalk/youraccount and following the messaging options instructions. The 1571 voicemail service may be withdrawn if it is not used for a period of 90 consecutive days.
Your BT Broadband Talk number and password were sent to you by letter or email.