Grandstream Networks HT-502 user manual Configuration File Download

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Grandstream SIP Device can be configured via Web Interface as well as via Configuration File through TFTP or HTTP. “Config Server Path” is the TFTP or HTTP server path for configuration file. It needs to be set to a valid URL, either in FQDN or IP address format. The “Config Server Path” can be same or different from the “Firmware Server Path”.

A configuration parameter is associated with each particular field in the web configuration page. A parameter consists of a Capital letter P and 2 to 3 (Could be extended to 4 in the future) digit numeric numbers. i.e., P2 is associated with “Admin Password” in the ADVANCED SETTINGS page. For a detailed parameter list, please refer to the corresponding firmware release configuration template.

When Grandstream Device boots up or reboots, it will issue request for configuration file named “cfgxxxxxxxxxxxx”, where “xxxxxxxxxxxx” is the LAN side MAC address of the device, i.e., “cfg000b820102ab”. The configuration file name should be in lower cases.


Firmware Prefix and Postfix allows device to download the firmware name with the matching Prefix and Postfix. This makes it the possible to store ALL of the firmware with different version in one single directory. Similarly, Config File Prefix and Postfix allows device to download the configuration file with the matching Prefix and Postfix. Thus multiple configuration files for the same device can be stored in one directory.

In addition, when the field “Check New Firmware only when F/W pre/suffix changes” is set to “Yes”, the device will only issue firmware upgrade request if there are changes in the firmware Prefix or Postfix.


When “Automatic Upgrade” is set to “Yes”, Service Provider can use P193 (Auto Check Interval, in minutes, default and minimum is 60 minutes) to have the devices periodically check with either Firmware Server or Config Server, whenever they are defined. This allows the device periodically check if there are any new changes need to be taken on a scheduled time. By defining different intervals in P193 for different devices, Server Provider can spread the Firmware or Configuration File download in minutes to reduce the Firmware or Provisioning Server load at any given time.


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Grandstream Networks, Inc.

HT-502 User Manual

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Last Updated: 03/2007

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Contents Grandstream Networks, Inc Dhcp Mode Static IP Mode HT-502 U SER M Anual Welcome Reset Configure Your HT-502Power Cable WAN Port RJ-45 LAN Port RJ-45 PHONE1 RJ-11 PHONE2 RJ-11PHONE1 PHONE2 LED WAN LEDLAN LED WANProduct Overview Dhcp FXSEMC Basic Operations LEDFCC, CE See Restore Factory Default Setting section ExamplesElements necessary to completing a Direct IP Call Using IVRUsing Star Code Or Voice Prompt with option 47, then 192*168*0*160Blind Transfer Attended TransferInstructions for 3-way conference Call Features Flash/HookConfiguration Guide Static IP ModeFrom the LAN port From the WAN portImportant Settings Dtmf Methods HT-502 Basic Configuration Settings Definitions PPPoE Service End User PasswordPPPoE password Web PortDhcp DMZ IPFXS1 NATDND FXS2Postfix Config File Prefix Firmware UpgradePath Config Server Path Config File PostfixPrompt Disable Direct IP-IP Authenticate ConfUpdate Disable Voice Firmware KeyUnregister on Reboot AuthenticatePassword Name Use DNS SRVDial Plan Dial Plan Rules VAD ETSI-FSK ETSI-DTMF Configuration Through a Central Server Software Upgrade Directions to Download Tftp ServerConfiguration File Download Restore Factory Default Setting Glossary of Terms Grandstream Networks, Inc Grandstream Networks, Inc Grandstream Networks, Inc