Grandstream Networks HT-502 user manual See Restore Factory Default Setting section, Examples

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“MAC Address”

WAN Port Web Access

Firmware Server IP Address

Configuration Server IP Address

Upgrade Protocol

Firmware Version

Firmware Upgrade

“Direct IP Calling”


“Invalid Entry”


Announces the Mac address of the unit.

Press “9” to toggle between enable / disable

Announces current Firmware Server IP address. Enter 12 digit new IP address.

Announces current Config Server Path IP address. Enter 12 digit new IP address.

Upgrade protocol for firmware and configuration update. Press “9” to toggle between TFTP / HTTP

Firmware version information.

Firmware upgrade mode. Press “9” to toggle among the following three options:

-always check

-check when pre/suffix changes

-never upgrade

Enter the target IP address to make a direct IP call, after dial tone. (See “Make a Direct IP Call”.)

Press “9” to reboot the device

Enter MAC address to restore factory default setting

(See Restore Factory Default Setting section)

Automatically returns to main menu

Five Success Tips when using the Voice Prompt

1.“*” shifts down to the next menu option

2.“#” returns to the main menu

3.“9” functions as the ENTER key in many cases to confirm an option

4.All entered digit sequences have known lengths - 2 digits for menu option and 12 digits for IP address. For IP address, add 0 before the digits if the digits are less than 3 (i.e. - should be key in like 192168000026. No decimal is needed).

5.Key entry can not be deleted but the phone may prompt error once it is detected



1.Dial the number directly and wait for 4 seconds (Default “No Key Entry Timeout”); or

2.Dial the number directly and press # (Use # as dial key” must be configured in web configuration).


1.Dial an extension directly on the same proxy, (e.g. 1008), and then press the # or wait for 4 seconds.

2.Dial an outside number (e.g. (626) 666-7890), first enter the prefix number (usually 1+ or international code) followed by the phone number. Press # or wait for 4 seconds. Check with your VoIP service provider for further details on prefix numbers.

Grandstream Networks, Inc.

HT-502 User Manual

Page 10 of 35



Last Updated: 03/2007

Image 10
Contents Grandstream Networks, Inc Dhcp Mode Static IP Mode HT-502 U SER M Anual Welcome Reset Configure Your HT-502Power Cable WAN Port RJ-45 LAN Port RJ-45 PHONE1 RJ-11 PHONE2 RJ-11PHONE1 PHONE2 LED WAN LEDLAN LED WANProduct Overview Dhcp FXSEMC LED Basic OperationsFCC, CE See Restore Factory Default Setting section ExamplesElements necessary to completing a Direct IP Call Using IVRUsing Star Code Or Voice Prompt with option 47, then 192*168*0*160Attended Transfer Blind TransferInstructions for 3-way conference Call Features Flash/HookConfiguration Guide Static IP ModeFrom the LAN port From the WAN portImportant Settings Dtmf Methods HT-502 Basic Configuration Settings Definitions PPPoE Service End User PasswordPPPoE password Web PortDhcp DMZ IPFXS1 NATDND FXS2Postfix Config File Prefix Firmware UpgradePath Config Server Path Config File PostfixPrompt Disable Direct IP-IP Authenticate ConfUpdate Disable Voice Firmware KeyUnregister on Reboot AuthenticatePassword Name Use DNS SRVDial Plan Dial Plan Rules VAD ETSI-FSK ETSI-DTMF Configuration Through a Central Server Software Upgrade Directions to Download Tftp ServerConfiguration File Download Restore Factory Default Setting Glossary of Terms Grandstream Networks, Inc Grandstream Networks, Inc Grandstream Networks, Inc