Talk Permit Tone - When enabled, a short tone sounds after a request for a group call has been approved by the main controller. This indicates that speaking can begin. When disabled, no audio feed- back is used to indicate when speaking can begin.
System Scan - Selects the Priority Monitor Scan list selected by the channel (see “Priority Monitor Scan Screen” description in Section 3.6.7). If “No Scan
List” is programmed, scanning is not selectable on that channel.
Auto Scan - When enabled and a channel is selected, the radio automatically begins scanning the scan list associated with that channel. When disabled, scan- ning can only be started manually by the Scan option switch.
Table 3-1 Call Guard (CTCSS/DCS) Codes and Tones
Recommended Tone Call Guard Codes
Code | Freq | Code | Freq | Code | Freq | Code | Freq | Code | Freq |
01 | 67.0 | 10 | 94.8 | 19 | 127.3 | 28 | 173.8 | 38* | 250.3 |
02 | 71.9 | 11** | 97.4 | 20 | 131.8 | 29 | 179.9 | 39** | 69.3 |
03 | 74.4 | 12 | 100.0 | 21 | 136.5 | 30 | 186.2 | 40** | 206.5 |
04 | 77.0 | 13 | 103.5 | 22 | 141.3 | 31 | 192.8 | 41** | 229.1 |
05 | 79.7 | 14 | 107.2 | 23 | 146.2 | 32 | 203.5 | 42** | 254.1 |
06 | 82.5 | 15 | 110.9 | 24 | 151.4 | 33 | 210.7 |
07 | 85.4 | 16 | 114.8 | 25 | 156.7 | 34* | 218.1 |
08 | 88.5 | 17 | 118.8 | 26 | 162.2 | 35* | 225.7 |
09 | 91.5 | 18 | 123.0 | 27 | 167.9 | 37* | 241.8 |
| |
* These tones normally | are not used because of their close proximity to the voice frequencies |
| ||||||
** This tone is normally not used because it may cause interference with adjacent tones. |
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| |||
| Recommended Digital Call Guard Codes |
| |||
023 | 065 | 131 | 172 | 261 | 346 | 431 | 532 | 654 | 743 |
025 | 071 | 132 | 174 | 263 | 351 | 432 | 546 | 662 | 754 |
026 | 072 | 134 | 205 | 265 | 364 | 445 | 565 | 664 |
031 | 073 | 143 | 223 | 271 | 365 | 464 | 606 | 703 |
032 | 074 | 152 | 226 | 306 | 371 | 465 | 612 | 712 |
043 | 114 | 155 | 243 | 311 | 411 | 466 | 624 | 723 |
047 | 115 | 156 | 244 | 315 | 412 | 503 | 627 | 731 |
051 | 116 | 162 | 245 | 331 | 413 | 506 | 631 | 732 |
054 | 125 | 165 | 251 | 343 | 423 | 516 | 632 | 734 |
FCC Chan. Mobile Rx
No. | Freq. |
Mobile Tx
800 MHz Channels
FCC Chan. | Mobile Rx | Mobile Tx |
No. | Freq. | Freq |
FCC Chan. | Mobile Rx | Mobile Tx |
No. | Freq | Freq |
1 | 851.0125 | 806.0125 | 9 | 851.2125 | 806.2125 | 17 | 851.4125 | 806.4125 |
2 | 851.0375 | 806.0375 | 10 | 851.2375 | 806.2375 | 18 | 851.4375 | 806.4375 |
3 | 851.0625 | 806.0625 | 11 | 851.2625 | 806.2625 | 19 | 851.4625 | 806.4625 |
4 | 851.0875 | 806.0875 | 12 | 851.2875 | 806.2875 | 20 | 851.4875 | 806.4875 |
5 | 851.1125 | 806.1125 | 13 | 851.3125 | 806.3125 | 21 | 851.5125 | 806.5125 |
6 | 851.1375 | 806.1375 | 14 | 851.3375 | 806.3375 | 22 | 851.5375 | 806.5375 |
7 | 851.1625 | 806.1625 | 15 | 851.3625 | 806.3625 | 23 | 851.5625 | 806.5625 |
8 | 851.1875 | 806.1875 | 16 | 851.3875 | 806.3875 | 24 | 851.5875 | 806.5875 |
November 1999 |
Part No. |