• Pressing the | on the |
base while dialing with | |
the handset will set the | |
mode. Dialing is |
3-way Conferencing
The Uniden EXAI3985 permits
When speaking on the handset
not affected. |
• During a |
conversation, you can |
only dial from |
the handset. |
1 | 2abc | 3def |
4ghi | 5 jkl | 6mno |
7pqrs 8tuv 9wxyz
0oper #
int'cm/page volume
1 | Press | on the base unit | |
| to initiate the | ||
2 | To hang up, press | on | |
| the base. The handset will still | ||
| be connected to the call. |
1 | 2 |
4 | 3 |
5 | 6 |
8 | 9 |
0 |
# |
When speaking on the base
redialcaller id
talk | int'cm | flash |
| select |
1 | 2abc | 3def |
1 Press talk on the handset to initiate the
2 To hang up, return the handset to the base, or press talk on the handset. The base will still be connected to the call.
[ 28 ] T E L E P H O N E F E AT U R E S