Apple Nike + iPod manual Apple and the Environment, European Union-Disposal Information

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European Union—Disposal Information:

The symbol above means that according to local laws and regulations your product should be disposed of separately from household waste. When this product reaches its end of life, take it to a collection point designated by local authorities. Some collection points accept products for free. The separate collection and recycling of your product at the time of disposal will help conserve natural resources and ensure that it is recycled in a manner that protects human health and the environment.

Union Européenne : informations sur l’élimination

Le symbole ci-dessus signifie que vous devez vous débarasser de votre produit sans le mélanger avec les ordures ménagères, selon les normes et la législation de votre pays. Lorsque ce produit n’est plus utilisable, portez- le dans un centre de traitement des déchets agréé par les autorités locales. Certains centres acceptent les produits gratuitement. Le traitement et le recyclage séparé de votre produit lors de son élimination aideront à préserver les ressources naturelles et à protéger l’environnement et la santé des êtres humains.

Europäische Union – Informationen zur Entsorgung

Das Symbol oben bedeutet, dass dieses Produkt entsprechend den geltenden gesetzlichen Vorschriften und getrennt vom Hausmüll entsorgt werden muss. Geben Sie dieses Produkt zur Entsorgung bei einer offiziellen Sammelstelle ab. Bei einigen Sammelstellen

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können Produkte zur Entsorgung unentgeltlich abgegeben werden. Durch das separate Sammeln und Recycling werden die natürlichen Ressourcen geschont und es ist sichergestellt, dass beim Recycling des Produkts alle Bestimmungen zum Schutz von Gesundheit und Umwelt beachtet werden.

Unione Europea: informazioni per l’eliminazione

Questo simbolo significa che, in base alle leggi e alle norme locali, il prodotto dovrebbe essere eliminato separatamente dai rifiuti casalinghi. Quando il prodotto diventa inutilizzabile, portarlo nel punto di raccolta stabilito dalle autorità locali. Alcuni punti di raccolta accettano i prodotti gratuitamente. La raccolta separata e il riciclaggio del prodotto al momento dell’eliminazione aiutano a conservare le risorse naturali e assicurano che venga riciclato in maniera tale da salvaguardare la salute umana e l’ambiente.

Europeiska unionen – uttjänta produkter

Symbolen ovan betyder att produkten enligt lokala lagar och bestämmelser inte får kastas tillsammans med hushållsavfallet. När produkten har tjänat ut måste den tas till en återvinningsstation som utsetts av lokala myndigheter. Vissa återvinningsstationer tar kostnadsfritt hand om uttjänta produkter. Genom att låta den uttjänta produkten tas om hand för återvinning hjälper du till att spara naturresurser och skydda hälsa och miljö.

Apple and the Environment

At Apple, we recognize our responsibility to minimize the environmental impacts of our operations and products.

For more information, go to

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Contents User’s Guide 0Z034-3940UG.qx 9/11/06 1222 PM Contents Nike + iPod is your personal workout assistant Welcome to Nike + iPod100 Install the latest iPod and iTunes software Quick StartInsert the Nike + iPod Sensor in your Nike+ ready shoe Attach the Nike + iPod Receiver to your iPod Choose music to accompany your workout Choose a type of workoutMonitor your progress Start your workoutTo get spoken feedback manually End your workoutTrack your progress at To set iTunes to send your workout data to nikeplus.comTo use Setting the Units of Distance Using Nike + iPodCalibrating Nike + iPod To calibrate Nike + iPod for running and walkingTo enter your weight Entering Your WeightGetting Spoken Feedback To set the voice type or turn spoken feedback offPausing a Workout Using a PowerSongPurchasing and Downloading Nike+ Workouts Reviewing Recent Workouts on Your iPodTo review recent workouts on your iPod To erase a single workout sessionLinking the Receiver to Another Sensor Using a Nike + iPod RemotePutting the Nike + iPod Sensor to Sleep To put the sensor to sleepTo wake the sensor Important Safety Information Information about using iPod Learning More, Service, and SupportRegulatory Compliance Information FCC Compliance StatementRadio and Television Interference Industry Canada Statement Wireless InformationEuropean Community Exposure to Radio Frequency EnergyEuropean Union-Disposal Information Apple and the Environment