Lincoln Electric GX 271 specifications GX271

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GX 271 Chopper

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Contents RED-D-ARC California Proposition 65 Warnings SafetyElectric Shock can kill Cylinder may explode if damaged Sûreté Pour Soudage a L’Arc Précautions DE SûretéThank You Table of Contents Vii Height Width Depth Weight InstallationInstallation Installation Instructions Additional Safety Precautions PRE-OPERATION Engine ServiceHigh Altitude Operation LiftingFuel Battery ConnectionsMuffler Spark ArresterTotal Combined Length of Electrode and Work Cables Electrical ConnectionsMachine Grounding Welding Cable ConnectionsAuxiliary Power RECEPTACLES, PLUGS, and HAND-HELD Equipment Premises WiringCircuit Breakers Table A.1 Connection of GX-271 to Premises WiringDesign Features Safety InstructionsOperation Operating InstructionsAdditional Safety Precautions Recommended ApplicationsLimitations Figure B.1 Output Panel Controls WELDER/GENERATOR Controls Controls and SettingsEngine Operation Before Starting the EngineStarting the Engine Table B.1 Typical GX-271 Fuel Consumption Stopping the EngineWelder Controls Function and Operation Welding OperationARC Control LocalStick Welding Pipe WeldingTIG Welding Table B.2 Typical Current Ranges 1 for Tungsten ELECTRODES2 Wire WeldingUsed Switch Table B.3 Summary of Welding Processes and Machine SettingsAuxiliary Power Table B.4 GX-271 Simultaneous Welding and Power LoadsSimultaneous Welding and Power Loads Accessories General Options AccessoriesTIG Welding Options Accessories Semiautomatic Fcaw and MIG Welding Options / Accessories Accessories Connection Diagrams Accessories Connection Diagrams Accessories Connection Diagrams Accessories Connection Diagrams GX271 Safety Precautions MaintenanceRoutine and Periodic Engine Maintenance Engine Maintenance Parts Table D.1Table D.2 Honda Engine Maintenance Schedule Table D.3 Kohler Engine Maintenance ScheduleChanging the Engine OIL AIR Cleaner ServiceTable D.5 OIL Filter Tightening Torques Table D.4 Engine OIL Refill CapacitiesSpark Plug Service Table D.6 Spark Plug Installation SpecificationsKohler Engine Engine Adjustments Fuel Filter ServiceBattery Maintenance Cleaning the BatteryCleaning Welder / Generator MaintenanceBrush Removal and Replacement Servicing Optional Spark ArrestorHOW to USE Troubleshooting Guide 1TROUBLESHOOTINGE-1Troubleshooting Field Service Facility for technical No welding power output Welding Terminals switch 789 $ % Diagrams Precaucion Warnung