Bryant 619E manual Operating Sequence

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·Maximum Dehumidi®cation Mode Ð When the dehumidi®ca- tion mode is selected, the indoor fan will operate continuously at the selected speed if the speed is high, medium, or low. If the indoor fan is in auto. mode, the fan will change operating speeds depending on the room temperature. If the room tem- perature is below the set point, the indoor fan will run at ultra- low speed, and the compressor could run for up to 4 minutes.

(Ultra-low speed is a control-driven speed [not user con®g- urable] used to sample the space when the fan would nor- mally be off.) The reversing valve (619E heat pump units only) will be on. The compressor cannot run for 3 minutes from the time the system starts up or for 3 minutes from the time the compressor last operated.

Initial Operation Ð When the mode is ®rst selected, one of the following occurs:

1.If the room temperature is above or equal to the selected temperature, the unit will operate for 16 minutes, and the compressor and outdoor fan will operate. The indoor fan will operate as in the cooling mode. After 16 minutes of operation (or when the room reaches 2° F below set point), the unit switches to normal dehumidi®cation operation.

2.If the room temperature is below the selected temperature, the unit will operate for 8 minutes as follows: the compressor and outdoor fan will operate for 3 minutes. The indoor fan will operate in low speed, and 30 seconds after the compressor stops, the indoor fan stops. The unit remains off for 1 minute, and then the indoor fan starts in ultra-low speed for 30 sec- onds. The unit then switches to normal dehumidi®cation operation.

Normal Operation Ð One of the following will take place:

1.When the temperature of the room is equal to or greater than the selected temperature (by not more than 3° F), the unit will operate for 8 minutes as follows: the compressor and outdoor fan will operate for 3 minutes. The indoor fan will op- erate in low speed, and 30 seconds after the compressor stops, the indoor fan stops. The unit remains off for 1 minute, and then the indoor fan starts in ultra-low speed for 30 sec- onds. The normal dehumidi®cation operation is repeated for the newly sensed room temperature.

2.If the room temperature is equal to or greater than the se- lected temperature, but not by more than between 4° F and 6° F, the compressor and outdoor fan operate for 4 minutes. The indoor fan will run at ultra-low speed and will stop 30 seconds after the compressor stops. After 3 minutes, the indoor fan runs at ultra-low speed for 30 seconds. The nor- mal dehumidi®cation operation is repeated for the newly sensed room temperature.

3.When the room temperature is equal to or greater than 4° F below the selected temperature, the system operates as fol- lows: The compressor and outdoor fan operate for 3 min- utes. The indoor fan will operate at ultra-low speed and will stop 30 seconds after the compressor stops. After 4 or 5 min- utes, the indoor fan starts in ultra-low speed for 30 seconds. The normal dehumidi®cation operation is repeated for the newly sensed room temperature. If the room temperature is still 4° F below the selected temperature, the compressor, outdoor fan, and indoor fan remain off. After 71¤2 minutes, the indoor fan operates at ultra-low speed for 30 seconds. The normal dehumidi®cation operation is repeated for the newly sensed room temperature.

·Heat Pump Heating Mode (Heat Pump Systems Only) Ð When the heat pump mode is selected, the indoor fan will op- erate at the selected speed if the speed is high, medium, or low, unless overridden by the coil temperature (to prevent cold drafts). If the indoor fan is in auto. mode, the fan will

change operating speeds depending on the difference be- tween the room temperature, the set point, and the coil tem- perature. The reversing valve will be off. The compressor cannot run for 3 minutes from the time the system starts up or for 3 minutes from the time it last operated. When the tem- perature of the room is 8° F below the selected temperature, the unit will operate in heat pump mode until the temperature is 6° F above the selected temperature, or the compressor runs for 40 minutes (whichever comes ®rst). If the tempera- ture of the room is less than 7° F below or equal to the se- lected temperature, the unit operates in heat pump mode until the selected set point temperature plus 2° F is reached.

·Demand Defrost Mode (Heat Pump Systems Only) Ð This unit uses a demand defrost system to remove frost from the outdoor coil during heating operation. The indoor and outdoor fans are shut off during defrost mode. See Electronic Control Defrost Regions map on page 30 for defrost region details.

·Sleep Mode Ð The sleep mode timer will turn the unit off when the timer reaches zero minutes. During the ®rst 11¤2 hours from the time the sleep mode timer starts, the room temperature is set back from the selected tempera- ture a total of 4° F in cooling and 6° F in heating (538D only).

·Awake Mode Ð The awake timer will turn the unit on when the timer reaches zero minutes. The unit will start in the same mode and at the same selected temperature as when the sys- tem shut off.

·Automatic Operation Mode for Cooling Only Systems Ð The unit samples the air in the room. Based on the room tempera- ture, the unit selects one of the following modes:

1.Cooling Mode Ð If the room temperature is more than

82.4F with a preset temperature of 78.8 F.

2.Dry Mode Ð If the room temperature is more than 75.2 F and less than 82.4 F with a preset temperature of 77 F.

3.Fan Only Mode Ð If the room temperature is less than


The preset temperature can be changed by ±4 F using the re- mote control.

·Automatic Operation Mode for Heat Pump Systems (538B) Ð The operation mode will be determined after 20 seconds of room monitoring (to determine the room temperature and the outdoor air temperature).

·Test Mode Ð The test mode can be selected by setting the slide switch on the fan coil unit to TEST position. The slide switch is located on the front of the unit. The fan coil unit will start immediately (there is no compressor time delay when us- ing test mode) in cooling mode with an in®nitely low set point. The indoor fan speed will be at the high setting, and the swing louvers will be on (moving up and down).

NOTE: The unit cannot be controlled by the remote controller until the slide switch is returned to the REMOTE position.

·Emergency Mode Ð This mode is only to be used if the re- mote controller is lost, damaged, or the batteries are dis- charged. To initiate emergency mode, manually move the slide switch on the fan coil unit to the EMER position. The unit is automatically operated in cooling or heating (538D units only) mode according to room temperature. Emergency op- eration settings are as follows:

1.Operation mode: AUTO.

2.Fan Speed: AUTO.

3.Cooling set point: 77 F

4.Timer mode: Continuous

NOTE: The unit cannot be controlled by the remote controller until the slide switch is returned to the REMOTE position.


Image 29
Contents Air Conditioning Standard System Features538A 538S 048 Shown DescriptionContents FIELD-INSTALLED Accessory Description and Usage619B,D Standard Features and FIELD-INSTALLED AccessoriesModel Description Seer System CapacitiesHspf Unit Specifications Ð 538A and 538C Condensing UnitsUnit 538D Specifications Ð 538D Heat Pump UnitsSpecifications Ð 619E FAN Coil Units Specifications Ð 538S Condensing UnitsUnit 538S Unit 619E538 009 55.0 25.0 012 62.0 28.1 60.7 27.5 66.5 30.2 Unit WeightUnit Operating Minimum Mounting PAD DimensionsUnit Unit Operating Weight Ft-in 024 Dimensional DRAWING, Base Unit Ð 538S Condensing Units048 538S Ft-in619E 009 Dimensional DRAWING, Base Unit Ð 619E009,012 FAN Coil Units619E Dimensional DRAWING, Base Unit Ð 619E018,024 FAN Coil UnitsMULTI-SPLIT Condensing Units Electrical Data Condensing UnitsHeat Pump Units FAN Coil Units Electrical DataIndoor Operating Voltage FAN UnitCooling-Only System Shown Cooling Only System Shown Outdoor Units Application DataCondition Condition ALL UnitsMaximum Line Lengths Application DataMaximum Lift Ð FAN Coil Unit Equivalent Below Above CondensingChattleff Common Piston Sizes Fitting Loss in Equivalent FT for ElbowsCooling only System Piston Guide and Refrigerant Charges Heat Pump System Piston Guide and Refrigerant ChargesHorizontal Conguration Change in Indoor Unit Piston Size For ElevationOutdoor Unit Above Indoor Unit Indoor Unit Above Outdoor UnitCondensing Unit Sound Ratings AIR Throw DataFAN Coil High Speed Approximate Unit FAN SpeedCompressor Relay ChartTemperatureResistance 500 11,400 32,500 Typical Wiring Schematic Ð 538A018,024 COOLING-ONLY SystemCompressor K13 Thermistor EquivalenceOutdoor Fan K2 Compressor K1 Temperature Resistance 500 11,400 32,500 Typical Wiring Schematic Ð 538D018,024 Heat Pump SystemOperating Sequence Operating Sequence Electronic Control Defrost Regions Map Outdoor unit. Sensible heat capacity shall not be less than Bryant Day & Night Payne