Woodstock W1814 manual Dfkfi9iljI\gcXZ\d\ek, Kfi\gcXZ\dfkfiYilj\j#fk\j\jk\gj1

Page 33



This jointer has a universal motor that uses carbon brushes, which are considered wear-items. Refer to the troubleshooting guide to determine if the motor brushes must be replaced.

You can order a new brush kit (two brush assemblies) by calling customer service and ordering part #X1814124-1.



)% While facing the rear of the jointer, tip it away from you until it rests on the fence assembly.

*% Remove the screws that hold the motor cover to the jointer base. Lift the cover off and set it aside.

+% Vacuum all dust and debris from the motor and belt areas.

,% Use a dime to unscrew the brush caps. (See =`^li\ 47 to locate the brush caps.)


gfgflkf]k_\jfZb\k2k_\ZXiYfeYilj_`j]`idcp XkkXZ_\[kfk_`jjgi`e^%N_\epflYlpXe\nYilj_ b`kpfln`cc^\kXgX`if]Yilj_&jgi`e^Xjj\dYc`\j%

-%Check the brushes for wear. If a brush is worn to less than 332" in length, replace both brushes.

.% Insert the brush assemblies, positioning them so they slide into the slots built into the sockets, then press the brush cap against the spring, push it into the socket, and turn it to lock it in the motor housing.

/% Replace the motor cover.

0% Test run the jointer.

If the jointer runs properly, you are done.

If the motor does not start, either the brushes are not correctly aligned in the sockets or there is another problem with the motor or wiring. Refer to the KiflYc\j_ffk`e^section for assistance.

Brush Cap




=`^li\47. Removing a motor brush.



Image 33
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